Join Us For A Night Of Empowerment 

June 13th

Paul’s Wellness Journey & Miracle

Paul’s Wellness Journey & Miracle

When I first met Paul, we connected immediately. We have similar ages and backgrounds. Paul was struggling though with the following documented medical conditions: sleep apnea, type two diabetes, hypertension, depression, and chronic fatigue syndrome. Additionally, he...

Quick Tips for Selecting Eggs & Meats

What type of eggs should I eat? Eggs are great in the denseness of nutrition. As a matter fact, they are one of the most nutrient dense foods today. They are high in protein, iron, choline, selenium, phosphorus, riboflavin, vitamin A, vitamin E, and vitamin K2....

How to Get Past the “I Can’t” Attitude

​Dealing with people who are desiring to better their health opens up a wide range of observations. Many times, the concept of fear will raise its ugly head. Fear will keep you from walking in faith. Fear will also keep you from walking in divine health (learn how to...

The Sherwood Meal Plan

We all want to be healthy, right? For Dr. Michele and I, this passion has consumed our lives. It’s not that we overvalue the physical part of wellness; it’s that we value the totality of wellness. Unfortunately, it takes a serious medical issue to serve as...

Fattening Foods Disguised as Being Healthy

Dr. Michele and I absolutely refuse to put two things in our home or in our bodies: cereals and whole wheat (or whole grain) bread. Specifically regarding the cereals, let’s begin by analyzing the back label. Breakfast Cereal It is very common to see the first...

Overcoming the Fear of Failure

I have had much time to reflect upon my own life. Where did my negative roots come from? What is the basis? Do I truly have fear? While I want others to allow God to remove all spiritual blockades to healing, it is very important to share of God’s working in my...

Spiritual Roots of Sickness and Disease

The title of this article might seem a little complicated and unclear. However, the next few paragraphs will change your life forever. Let’s begin by defining the functionality of a root. The first root that comes from a plant is called the radicle.  Roots are...

How to Minimize the Toxic Effects of Alcohol

Both Dr. Michele and I recognize that alcohol can be very much a part of social gatherings. Whether we agree or not is not the point. Here is the point, however: Alcohol is indeed a toxin and can have debilitating toxic effects. Also it is important to mention that...

Can you exercise too much?

The short answer to the question is YES! A pattern of chronic exercise in pursuit of extreme or narrowly focused fitness goals can trigger increased cravings for quick energy carbohydrates, inhibit fat metabolism, compromise immune function, exhaust the bodies stress...

5 Tips for Avoiding the Sedentary Lifestyle

We all know exercise is a critical component of the overall wellness quest. However, the common question Dr. Michele and I get is, “How much and what type?” The short answer is this… Everyone should move more and sit less! The greatest benefits of exercise...

The Real Cause of Weight Gain

The true answer to weight loss does not lie in a diet. It lies in discovering the spiritual root of the improper relationship with food. You may say that really has nothing to do with it. But let me prove it to you. Do you find comfort in food? Does it make you feel...

Natural Alternatives to Ibuprofen and Aspirin

There has been much literature published regarding the issue of in NSAIDs, non steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. They include aspirin, ibuprofen, ketoprofen, indomethacin, and many many others. These medications are commonly taken for many conditions including...

Man’s Ideas vs God’s Ideas

We are all aware of God’s miracle of creation. We know there are seven days in which the world and everything in it was created. Whether these are actual literal days is not the point. Just for a refresher and review, let’s revisit the idea of what God...

3 Ways to Combat Stress and Restore Vitality

Has your life sped out of control? Has your health began to deteriorate? If so, keep reading as we have a three prong approach to regain control and bolster your health. Recently while traveling down the streets of Tulsa Oklahoma, my wife and I found ourselves amazed...

Religion Is a Fatal Disease

Why such a harsh title to this writing? Before I give an answer to that question, let me preface by saying both Dr. Michele and I are born-again spirit-filled Christians. I say this upfront with the request that our belief system not be placed in premature judgment....

14 Ways to Organize Your Life

Disorganization is rampant in our society. It rears its ugly head through anger, chaos, emotional instability, and overwhelmingness. Symptoms include depression, fatigue, financial debt, and even weight gain. Many of these symptoms can be avoided by simply instituting...

The Truth About Carbohydrates and Exercise

There is much debate regarding the necessity of carbohydrates as they relate to training. Specifically, the debate centers on the need for carbohydrates in regard to needed energy to train. To really delve into the issue, we must divide training into two categories:...

5 Keys to Fail-Proof Your Life

Nobody likes to fail. After all, fail is indeed a 4-letter word. In school, we often refer to failure as an “F”. In life, we may identify failure with any of the following: divorce, bankruptcy, losing, absence of health, or any other thing less than...

Are carbohydrates essential?

Numerous fitness buffs and exercise junkies across our world are falling prey to the antiquated idea that carbohydrates are the general go-to when it comes to energy. Additionally, the idea of “carbing up” before a workout is all too often leading to a disaster in the...

Your Past Does Not Decide Your Future

When people notice my stature and physique then hear my enthusiasm, passion, and abilities when I speak, I realize some may see a person who they believe has not had too many struggles. Let me begin by painting you a picture of a pudgy teenager who was bullied. I...