Take Your Next Step

to Optimal Health

​Dealing with people who are desiring to better their health opens up a wide range of observations. Many times, the concept of fear will raise its ugly head. Fear will keep you from walking in faith. Fear will also keep you from walking in divine health (learn how to overcome fear).

However, there is another phenomenon that is equally common. This phenomenon is called the “can’t” phenomenon. When I hear this word repeatedly said during the course of a patient’s intake process, I am initially struck with the question, “Who told you, you can’t?”

You see, this word called “can’t” becomes so often repeated, it becomes both true and prophetic. This word can set the tone for the rest of your day and the rest of your life. Henry Ford once said, “If you think you can or think you can’t, you are right.”

Kingdom Fuel - Drs. Mark & Michele Sherwood

Let me help you move past the belief that you “can’t”.

  1. If you say, “I can’t,” you are being selfish and self-centered. You are castrating your goals from your life. You are decapitating your purpose. When you take away your purpose, you are cheating other people, starting with you. Your destiny will never be achieved and you will always let others down, when you could have lifted them up.
  2. Look in the mirror and see yourself as God sees you. Living the “I can’t” lifestyle flat out gets under my skin. That’s right! It really pisses me off. If you want motivation, let me give it to you. Look in the mirror and see greatness. Look in the mirror and see excellence. Look in the mirror and see the beauty. Look in the mirror and see yourself as God sees you. He never said, “you can’t.”
  3. You “can” do all things through Christ, who gives you strength. One of my favorite scriptures is Philippians 4:13. Though it is often taken out of connotation, the meaning for us is quite clear. No matter what comes our way, whether good or bad, feast or famine, sorrow or joy, we “can” do all things through Christ, who gives us strength. It is not our strength that is important. It is His. By relying on His strength, we have the ultimate strength. It is a strength that is unsurpassed and indescribable. Nothing, I mean nothing, can stop God’s “can” in your life.

One of the main “I can’t” attitudes is in regard to food.

People mistakenly believe they cannot give up certain foods, even though it is clearly proven to be poison and harmful to their bodies, minds, and spirits. So what if the culture goes one way and you go the other? Where is the culture taking you anyway? Seems to me that our culture is directing us on a beeline to a place called hell.

The poor food choices have become the norm have become something about which we laugh. Instead, they should become something about which we cry. How sad it is when a person says “I simply can’t give up the food that is killing me slowly day by day.” My admonition to you here is, “get over yourself, and start living the way you know you’re supposed to live.” If you really wanted to stop, you would submit yourself to someone that can help you, his name is Jesus.

One of the greatest things that Dr. Michele and I can give you is the “can do” spirit. The spirit resides in us because it is deposited by our Heavenly Father. If we can, you can. Let nothing take away your purpose, your destiny, or your CAN.

“I can’t” is simply a cheesy, weak cop-out. It is very easy, and a very common, way to alleviate responsibility, achievement, and commitment. Neither I, nor Dr. Michele, will support the “I can’t” attitude. We love each of you enough to routinely, and passionately, implore and extort the I CAN attitude. Isn’t it time to start believing that you “can” live life and have it more abundantly? May the “can do” spirit be deposited in you today in extraordinarily high abundance!