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June 13th

Prolotherapy for Pain Relief

Prolotherapy promotes long-term pain relief by stimulating the body’s ability to repair itself.

Are you suffering with pain from arthritis, whiplash, joint sprains, athletic injuries or any other type of joint injury? If so, chances are you have tried many different forms of treatment but none have lasting results.

Good news is, there is a safe, non-surgical procedure that can relieve your pain by healing the underlying condition.

At the Functional Medical Institute in Tulsa, we use prolotherapy to promote long-term pain relief by stimulating the body’s ability to repair itself.

How does prolotherapy work?

Ligaments, muscles, tendons and joints are all considered “soft tissue”. And, soft tissue is most prone to injury from falls, auto accidents, or any other type of trauma that causes stretching or tearing of the tissue.

Soft tissue is what supports the skeleton and it has been estimated that over 90% of all causes of lower back pain result from “soft tissue” damage.

The purpose of prolotherapy is to strengthen lax ligaments and tendons previously strained from injury (and even birth). Prolotherapy can induce ligament and tendon healing, enhance joint stability and reduce pain.

Also known as a regenerative injection treatment, prolotherapy works by injecting a proliferate at the site where the soft tissue structures are attached to bone. The injections are usually repeated after several weeks to complete the process of repair, but the healing is permanent.

This permanent healing can improve overall function, stability, and reduce pain without surgical intervention.

Prolotherapy is an excellent, noninvasive treatment for soft tissue injuries.

If you are suffering from joint or muscle pain that doesn’t seem to be going away, contact us today so we can find out if prolotherapy is the right solution for you.