Join Us For A Night Of Empowerment 

June 13th



There is one mineral that’s critical for nearly 400 reactions in the body, and most people are deficient in it: Magnesium.

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Looking for a supplement to aide thyroid function? T-150 can be a metabolic accelerator, meaning that it can step on the gas pedal to help the thyroid improve in its function.

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If you want a little boost of energy in that midday time, you can try a very unique blend of folate and B12 called Trifolamin.

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Think of DIM as a plant based hormone optimizer, especially estrogen. It also aids detoxification.

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Metabolic Synergy

Looking for a multi-vitamin? Metabolic Synergy is a broad based multi-vitamin and mineral that even has special components to support blood sugar balance.

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Niacin CRT

Niacin is very important in managing cholesterol. It works better than any medication we have on the market.

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Omega MonoPure

One thing that we’ve found to be deficient in every single person is Omega-3 fatty acids. Our choice for Omega-3’s is called MonoPure.

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OptiCleanse GHI

Looking for a quick emergency meal when you are on the go? OptiCleanse GHI is a “meal in a glass” that will beat any other “fast food” option.

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Looking for a quality probiotic? ProbioMed 50 is a high potency, shelf stable, dairy-free probiotics formulation containing 50 billion CFU per serving.

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Everyone needs sufficient B vitamins. Unfortunately, you cannot get enough from any particular diet. That’s why we select B-Supreme.

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The Enemy of Healing

When you consider humanity’s ever-increasing struggle— and stated desire—for wellness, is there any doubt that we’re in a battle? Shouldn’t we be further along? Just look at the upward trend in the use of pharmaceutical medications. We are not against pharmaceutical...

Living Alive

Bob had always done life a certain way. He was fairly active, but has always been overweight—and his cholesterol has always been out of control, despite a “healthy” dose of medications. Bottom line: he didn’t feel alive. When he finally came to see us, he was ready...

The Designer of Life

We might not be in the Garden anymore, but the Gardener is still with us. When we consider the creator of the universe—the creator of you—we must not look to modern society, the state of our health, rampant disasters, sickness, disease, and suffering. Watch the...

Back to the Garden

What does “paradise,” or “heaven on earth” mean to you? What good hopes and dreams do you have for your life? We always ask new patients, “What are three areas about your life—or health—that you hate?” and “What are three areas you want to improve?” If we can...

You Were Made for Health

We all believe something. Whether it’s faith in God, in people, or in science, our beliefs shape our choices and our lifestyle. When it comes to your health, what do you believe? We ask because what you believe is the foundation of your life. Our foundation is the...

Why is nutrition and lifestyle important?

We get asked the question all the time: “Why is nutrition and lifestyle so important?” Well first off, 85% of your immune system is in your gut. So nutrition, nutrition, nutrition. It’s all at the end of your fork. If you focus on your nutrition,...