ATP Ignite
Lacking energy? No need to choose a questionable energy drink or high-sugar beverage. There’s a healthy alternative called ATP Ignite.
Lacking energy? No need to choose a questionable energy drink or high-sugar beverage. There’s a healthy alternative called ATP Ignite.
ATP Ignite Workout enhances energy and exercise performance and gives you a better pump. It also gives you more strength when you’re working out.
Everyone needs sufficient B vitamins. Unfortunately, you cannot get enough from any particular diet. That’s why we select B-Supreme.
DHEA is a hormone with great benefits including: stress management, weight loss, enhanced libido, and immune support. Everyone needs a different dose and we can help you figure it out.
Think of DIM as a plant based hormone optimizer, especially estrogen. It also aids detoxification.
We need strong bones, strong teeth, and strong immune system. Sufficient amounts of Vitamin D3 along with Vitamin K2 are necessary to achieve these goals.
Creatine is a recovery aid that aids strength and the building of bigger muscles. We use a form called KreAlkalyn Pro which is International Olympic Committee approved.
There is one mineral that’s critical for nearly 400 reactions in the body, and most people are deficient in it: Magnesium.
Looking for a multi-vitamin? Metabolic Synergy is a broad based multi-vitamin and mineral that even has special components to support blood sugar balance.
Niacin is very important in managing cholesterol. It works better than any medication we have on the market.
One thing that we’ve found to be deficient in every single person is Omega-3 fatty acids. Our choice for Omega-3’s is called MonoPure.
Looking for a quick emergency meal when you are on the go? OptiCleanse GHI is a “meal in a glass” that will beat any other “fast food” option.
PRO Colostrum LD is a protein powder that helps maintain a healthy stomach and G.I. tract.
Looking for a quality probiotic? ProbioMed 50 is a high potency, shelf stable, dairy-free probiotics formulation containing 50 billion CFU per serving.
Looking for quality collagen protein? PurePaleo Protein is one of the best.
These anti-inflammatory drops mimic the action of HCG. They’re homeopathic so they’re never going to have negative side effects.
Looking for a supplement to aide thyroid function? T-150 can be a metabolic accelerator, meaning that it can step on the gas pedal to help the thyroid improve in its function.
If you want a little boost of energy in that midday time, you can try a very unique blend of folate and B12 called Trifolamin.
As we age, our skin loses its elasticity. To help prevent skin from sagging, put in Whole Body Collagen.