Join Us For A Night Of Empowerment 

June 13th

ATP Ignite

Lacking energy? No need to choose a questionable energy drink or high-sugar beverage. There’s a healthy alternative called ATP Ignite.

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ATP Ignite Workout

ATP Ignite Workout enhances energy and exercise performance and gives you a better pump. It also gives you more strength when you’re working out.

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Everyone needs sufficient B vitamins. Unfortunately, you cannot get enough from any particular diet. That’s why we select B-Supreme.

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DHEA is a hormone with great benefits including: stress management, weight loss, enhanced libido, and immune support. Everyone needs a different dose and we can help you figure it out.

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Think of DIM as a plant based hormone optimizer, especially estrogen. It also aids detoxification.

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We need strong bones, strong teeth, and strong immune system. Sufficient amounts of Vitamin D3 along with Vitamin K2 are necessary to achieve these goals.

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KreAlkalyn Pro

Creatine is a recovery aid that aids strength and the building of bigger muscles. We use a form called KreAlkalyn Pro which is International Olympic Committee approved.

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There is one mineral that’s critical for nearly 400 reactions in the body, and most people are deficient in it: Magnesium.

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Metabolic Synergy

Looking for a multi-vitamin? Metabolic Synergy is a broad based multi-vitamin and mineral that even has special components to support blood sugar balance.

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Niacin CRT

Niacin is very important in managing cholesterol. It works better than any medication we have on the market.

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Omega MonoPure

One thing that we’ve found to be deficient in every single person is Omega-3 fatty acids. Our choice for Omega-3’s is called MonoPure.

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OptiCleanse GHI

Looking for a quick emergency meal when you are on the go? OptiCleanse GHI is a “meal in a glass” that will beat any other “fast food” option.

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Looking for a quality probiotic? ProbioMed 50 is a high potency, shelf stable, dairy-free probiotics formulation containing 50 billion CFU per serving.

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Looking for a supplement to aide thyroid function? T-150 can be a metabolic accelerator, meaning that it can step on the gas pedal to help the thyroid improve in its function.

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If you want a little boost of energy in that midday time, you can try a very unique blend of folate and B12 called Trifolamin.

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Virus Protection Supplements

Colostrum Buy Now 2-3 teaspoons twice daily on an empty stomach Colostrum is known as “nature’s first food”. If a baby needs this to build an immune system, we can take full advantage with carefully selected liposomal delivery, bovine sources. Vitamin C Buy Now 3,000...