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June 13th

10 Benefits of Gratitude

About a year ago, a dear friend gifted me a ‘A Year of Gratitude Journal’. The gift was a huge blessing. It had instructions on the inside that invited one into a year of giving thanks. Each week of the year I was to send someone a card of thankfulness. My...

10 Questions to Determine How Successful You Are

I was recently contacted regarding my post about courage. In the comment, I was asked the question, “What is success?” First I think it wise to identify the most popular definition of success and then go from there. With that said, success can be defined...

10 Tips for Success in Life

How many of these tips do you have actively working in your life? Work on the weak areas and make everything else stronger. 1. Make it a priority to stay in shape. Losing weight is the top “New Years” resolution for Americans, and combined with “exercise...

10 Ways to Extinguish Stinking Thinking

​In order to propel your health and wellness journey forward, you have to extinguish negativity from inhabiting your thought process. Can you extinct stinking thinking from your life? Let’s look and see where it might be present and get our minds free from the...

11 Questions to Ask Yourself About Courage

I recently noticed a sign which said, “It takes courage to succeed.” I began think about that…first, what is meant by courage, and second, what is meant by success? Courage is reflected clearly in the concept of walking through fear to face a worthy...

11 Signs You Need to De-Stress

Stress is a response of the body to a variety of internal and external stimuli. External triggers may include a job change, marriage or relationship change, death of a loved one, or an illness in your family or otherwise. Stress lives at both ends of the spectrum-...

12 Guidelines to Minimize the Harm of Social Media

The mighty power of social media has revolutionized the society of today. Has the revolution been profitable? Absolutely. Has it been beneficial? Of course. However, we must not underestimate the negative impact. Social media like Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and...

14 Ways to Organize Your Life

Disorganization is rampant in our society. It rears its ugly head through anger, chaos, emotional instability, and overwhelmingness. Symptoms include depression, fatigue, financial debt, and even weight gain. Many of these symptoms can be avoided by simply instituting...

21 Ways to Increase Happiness

You may have noticed that the habits of happy people are exactly like those that are essential for leading a healthy lifestyle – exercising and eating right, for example. However, your mindset must come first. Out of the heart, happiness will grow. What you have in...

3 Keys That Will Lead You to Greatness

Greatness…it’s really what we all desire. Greatness is defined as: the quality of being great, distinguished, or eminent. That does indeed sound like a worthy goal. With a basic working knowledge of greatness, one can now dive in to and embrace 3 keys to...

3 Traits of a Stable Person

Several years ago, I was gripped as I listened to a song entitle “The Anchor.” Without going into the details of the song, there was a particular line that struck me… “The anchor holds in the eye of the storm…” This represents the...

3 Ways to Combat Stress and Restore Vitality

Has your life sped out of control? Has your health began to deteriorate? If so, keep reading as we have a three prong approach to regain control and bolster your health. Recently while traveling down the streets of Tulsa Oklahoma, my wife and I found ourselves amazed...

3 Ways to Conquer Your Demanding Body

When we think of the concept of authority, we often draw out the words, “delegation, power, command, control, or jurisdiction.” We readily understand this concept in regard to family (parents authority over children) and employment (bosses authority over...

3 Ways to Maintain Motivation

Many ask how Dr. Michele and I consistently stay motivated to continue in our drive for overall wellness. This question has prompted much introspective thought and reflection. In this context, I am defining wellness as more than physical. I am speaking to overall...

3 Ways to Rekindle the Hero Inside of You

Historically, heroes are memorialized because of incredible actions, lives, or legacy. Heroes give their lives for a cause, have immeasurable passion, and indescribable courage. They stand out from the crowd, they speak up when no one else will, and they step up to...

4 Keys to Living a Life Without Limits

How many times in life have we heard the statement, “You can’t do that”? As for me, I have heard it plenty and many times it has been directed at me. Words are powerful, and words leave lasting scars. On the flip side, words can also leave lasting...

4 Tricks to Eliminate Negativity

Sometimes in life, it can seem as if the mind takes a negative turn. If the sun is shining you may think that it is raining. If the stars are bright you may think the sky is without light. Make every effort to avoid becoming a victim of stinking thinking! The only...

5 Keys to Fail-Proof Your Life

Nobody likes to fail. After all, fail is indeed a 4-letter word. In school, we often refer to failure as an “F”. In life, we may identify failure with any of the following: divorce, bankruptcy, losing, absence of health, or any other thing less than...

5 Steps to Improved Self-Image

How does one get past the negative flaws they see about themselves? Here are a few simple tips. Step 1: Learn to love yourself. You have heard the phrase “Love the one you’re with”? Who are you with 24/7? You! You have to stop and take a look in the...

5 Ways to Achieve Balance in an Unbalanced World

Today’s world can be characterized by the following: unpredictable, worrisome, chaotic, and stressful. Do these sound like characteristics of your own life at present? If so, continue reading and learn how to find balance amidst the unbalance of today. To find...