I was recently contacted regarding my post about courage. In the comment, I was asked the question, “What is success?” First I think it wise to identify the most popular definition of success and then go from there. With that said, success can be defined...
For the last 20 years or so, society has developed a skewed belief that eating fat makes one fat. However, that is not altogether true. As you probably have heard, there is a growing population of proponents of the paleo or primal eating plans, which are very high in...
I recently noticed a sign which said, “It takes courage to succeed.” I began think about that…first, what is meant by courage, and second, what is meant by success? Courage is reflected clearly in the concept of walking through fear to face a worthy...
For far too long we may have misunderstood the intent and action of supplements. It does not help matters since savvy marketers promise the world to get you to purchase their newest rescue pill. Shop quality supplements → Supplements are food. Food is supplements....
Wow, how times have changed! If you are like me and have some years under your belt, you have seen times change in regard to ‘giving your word.’ Your word used to be your BOND. Now it appears there is quite a divergence from that particular standard of...
Being a healthy guy who is extremely cautious about what I put in my mouth, I am not immune from concern from time to time. Case in point – after a recent routine blood test, I was alarmed to see an elevated LDL and suppressed HDL. Specifically, my LDL was in...
Several years ago, I was gripped as I listened to a song entitle “The Anchor.” Without going into the details of the song, there was a particular line that struck me… “The anchor holds in the eye of the storm…” This represents the...
Today, during our busy lives in general, business meetings, church committees, and family gatherings center around what and where we will eat. Think about that for a moment! Rather that appreciating the concept of food (fuel for the body), we have allowed food to...
Today’s world can be characterized by the following: unpredictable, worrisome, chaotic, and stressful. Do these sound like characteristics of your own life at present? If so, continue reading and learn how to find balance amidst the unbalance of today. To find...
The “FART”! What a word! I am not sure of the origin of this word. All I know is that the “fart” is more properly named flatulence. Men sometimes call it “music to my ears” or “my other language”. Women may call it “tooting”, “pooting”, or “passing wind”, or not...
Dr. Michele and I routinely see frustration in the hearts, minds, and voices of our patients regarding failed weight loss attempts. If you have been frustrated with the scale and its stubbornness or if you have tirelessly searched for the weight loss answer, please...
I have always enjoyed the zoo. I am struck by the multitude of animal species as well as their colorful appearances. To describe the various species, there is normally a sign on the outside of the cage or barrier that articulates the origin, type, and geographic range...
Makes 10 servings. Prep time: 20 hours. Ingredients 1 cup pumpkin kernels 1/2 cup sunflower seeds 1/2 cup chia seeds 1/2 pound pitted dates 1/2 teaspoon sea salt 1/2 teaspoon vanilla Directions Place the seeds, dates, sea salt and vanilla in a food processor and...
The mighty power of social media has revolutionized the society of today. Has the revolution been profitable? Absolutely. Has it been beneficial? Of course. However, we must not underestimate the negative impact. Social media like Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and...
According to a recent study (looking at trends in private employer-based health insurance from 2003 to 2013), premiums for family coverage increased 73 percent over the past decade—faster than median family income. Employees’ contributions to their premiums climbed by...
What exactly does it mean to be disciplined? Does it mean simply doing the same things over and over again? On the surface, we may say YES to the second question. In this application, we could simply do something of a poor choice over and over again and say ‘we...
When I consider the description and characteristics of God’s heart, I find myself overwhelmed with emotion in trying to best describe it. There seems to be no one word or series of words that are adequate. In looking through the Bible, I am struck by God’s...