Join Us For A Night Of Empowerment 

June 13th

Why DNA testing?

Why DNA testing?

So in our office we use a lot of really special tests. And one of the very important test thats we use is DNA. You know, DNA is your blueprint. There’s only one you, so you only have one blueprint. Here’s an easy way to understand it… DNA is like a...

What’s the best exercise?

We get often asked, “What is the best kind of exercise?” Well first things first… The best kind of exercise are those fork curls, or what you put at the end of your fork. That is the best exercise you’ll ever get. But the best exercise for each...

What’s my responsibility as a patient at FMI?

So persons ask, “What is the responsibility of me the patient, as a part of the FMI community?” It’s pretty simple… We want you to learn and grow up. We want you to come in with a learning attitude, willing to think about things differently and...

What supplements do you recommend?

A common question we get every day is what supplements should I take? Well, everybody is different and everybody is unique, but we have what we call, the core four. What’s in the core four? Number one is magnesium. Magnesium is required for over 350 metabolic...

What is your approach to health?

A lot of times people ask us, “what is our approach to health?” We have a five prong process that’s designed to give us this complete or total wellness. The first prong is Lifestyle. Lifestyle includes the following things. What we eat What we do How...

How do I read my Cardiometabolic lab results?

One of the very special labs that we use in the clinic is called a cardiometabolic lab. This is like the Cadillac of all blood panels. It gets into detail in terms of your chemistry, your lipid panels, your particle sizes, your hormones, your thyroid, certain...

How do I read my micronutrient test results?

We have a very special test that we use in the office that’s different from any serum laboratory test, and it’s the micronutrient test. Yes, I said micronutrient, and why is it different? It’s because it measures the intracellular levels of...

How do I read my DNA lab results?

One of the labs that we utilize in the clinic is the DNA lab report. In the DNA lab report, there’s a lot of really exciting information and it has several sections. The first section is the health report. The health report goes into things like lipid...

How can I sleep better?

Patients come in all the time and they ask, “Can you help me sleep better?” Insomnia is an absolute national crisis. People coming in asking for medications and pills. A pill to calm the ill so that they can sleep. Well of course we can help you sleep and...

Do you take insurance?

I think let’s first of all define what insurance is. Most people have an idea of what they call health insurance, but we personally don’t believe there’s anything that is such a thing. Here’s what I mean by that… Do you have...

How can I relieve stress?

One of the number one things patients come into the office and ask is: “Can you help me with my stress?” You’re probably stressing out right now, just talking about stress. Stress stresses you out. Stress stresses me out. Stress! What is stress?...

Do we do Primary Care?

So the question is: “Does FMI do primary care?” Well let’s define what primary care is first of all. Primary care for us is: primarily caring about you. What I mean by that is that primary care should be designed to keep you out of the doctor’s...

Can you help me understand my labs?

  One question we get often is: “Can you help me understand my labs?” When you get that lab report back in your hands, sometimes those numbers can be very frightening, if things are out of balance. It can bring up worry and anxiety. And absolutely we...

Can I just get hormone replacement?

Many patients come into the clinic and they ask a very simple question. Can I just get hormone replacement? The answer to that question is… why would you get just hormone replacement when hormones can’t fix everything? Your body has to have a foundation of...

Victoria’s Story

As a young working mom, I got so sick that I could not work nor could I be the mom that I wanted to be to my son and a wife to my husband. And I felt completely inadequate. My life before, I knew what I had to look forward to. I was in college and I worked at least...

What’s Stealing Your Energy? (Part 1)

From the Prime Conference 2018 in Tulsa, OK Let’s dive into energy themes and myths. A lot of times, people will think what they do, certain things, are good to promote energy. We’ve talked about fatigue. We’ve talked about the concept of cortisol....

Dathel’s Story

I had a kid at 42, so I started really looking at my health. I lived in a lot of fear that I wasn’t getting the results I needed to have a nice long and healthy life. Not only did I want to be able to take care of my kid, I wanted to be around for his kids. So I...

Felicia’s Story

I had a slow journey at first. I was diagnosed with uveal melanoma cancer, which is a really extremely rare form of eye cancer. That sort of pushed me forward a little bit faster, with wanting to get healthy. I started working with Dr. Michele, and it was a kinda an...

Supplements to Help You Sleep

Somewhere around half of Americans complain of sleep problems and nearly 10% of Americans use sleeping pills. The problem is most sleeping pills are designed to be used for a week or two but they’re often being used much longer. Once you’ve started taking...

Ryan’s Story

Well, it started out around my birthday last year in March, and I actually weighed 235. My mom had just gotten into it, and so she was like “I just talked to this nutritionist guy he’s pretty great, and I think he is really onto something.” So, mom...