Join Us For A Night Of Empowerment 

June 13th

Indigestion & Heart Burn Remedies

Indigestion & Heart Burn Remedies

The stomach is naturally acidic, which enables it to breakdown proteins. But when there’s too much acid or the protective mechanisms are inadequate, the lining of the stomach can become damaged leading to all kinds of symptoms like nausea, abdominal pain, and...

Teresa’s Story

I met Dr. Mark and Michelle, and Mark talked to us about how to really live better. It was more of a holistic approach, a whole life without all the extras that the world gives you. It covers all aspects, spiritual, physical, mental, emotional. And we liked what he...

Constipation Remedies

Constipation can be caused by a number of factors including poor diet, physical inactivity and some medications. When bowels refuse to move, we often run for a laxative. Problem is laxatives can cause dehydration, electrolyte and mineral imbalances and may even lead...

Healthier Medications for Headaches

Everyday, more than 30 million people worldwide take an anti-inflammatory drug like Ibuprofen or Aspirin. Although these over-the-counter medications do reduce pain caused from inflammation, there’s a trade-off. First of all, they destroy the lining of the gut,...

Lan’s Story

I had been working out at the gym, and been slowly gaining weight, for about ten years. I was playing racquetball, and realized I was extremely overweight. My inflammation levels were really spiking. One day I had trouble walking, from having an injury. I just...

Fruit Juice – The Hidden Danger

At the hospital the other day, I overheard someone asking a patient what kind of juice they wanted with dinner. The patient explained that they were diabetic and should just have water, but the person taking the order convinced them to order juice anyway because,...

Healthy Trail Mix

What’s so unhealthy about a mixture of nuts? Absolutely nothing, but we all know that trail mix sneaks in some extras. Candy, yogurt-covered raisins, and fried banana chips, just to name a few. And on top of it all, there is usually added sugar. At least there...

Karen’s Story

Well I basically went into the office and I wasn’t sure what I was gonna hear, or what was gonna happen. I knew that I liked the natural way of healing and I didn’t wanna go mess with the doctors. I didn’t wanna be on pills. And so I went in to see...

Healthy Bread Alternatives

Food marketers are clever. They know you’re trying to be healthy so they provide so called healthy options. Funny thing is that whole wheat bread may just be white bread with a little bit of wheat flour mixed in and in most cases, this wheat bread actually...

Don’s Story

Three months ago I was suffering from joint pain both in my shoulders, knees, and lower back. Not from injury, but just from the bad food I had been eating. It was lots of sugar and all of that. Since then a lot of that has really been depleted quite a bit. I would...

Chris’s Story

Thanksgiving 2016 we had family pictures taken. Up until that moment I knew I was overweight and had issues, but you know, hey everybody has issues. Everybody’s got high blood pressure when you’re overweight. But when we took our family photos, I looked at...

Carla’s Story

Before I came to Mark and Michele, I was recovering from cancer, and I was kind of on my own health quest journey. And there’s so much out there, it’s hard to make sense of it all. And I was taking mountain loads of pills, and I was eating all this stuff....

Medication Swaps to Heal Your Body

Common over-the-counter medications, like ibuprofen, can have detrimental long-term side effects. So here are some healthy and natural alternatives. Medication Swaps for Headaches Every day, more the 30 million people worldwide take an anti-inflammatory drug like...

Cari Stuff’s Story

My health was pretty much the pits. I couldn’t figure out why. Compared to everyone around me, I thought I was the healthy one, and I wasn’t on a whole lot of medications, but you know, didn’t feel good. I was always struggling. I knew that I needed...

Bob Harrison’s Story

Drs. Mark and Michele are so unique. Hi, I’m Bob Harrison and I have put on events in Hawaii for 37 years. For many of those years, we have had people from different avenues of health and wellness to share with our group and our audience. But when Mark and...

Mike Rovner

Mike Rovner shares how taking steps towards wellness has not only affected his life but his $80 million dollar business. Mike Rovner is the Founder and president of Mike Rovner Construction, an $80 million/year general contractor. As a result of his resolute...

Cindy Heald

I’ve struggled for a long time with emotional eating and poor body image. And the more weight I put on, the worse those became. So, I was in a pretty low state. I never felt like an example. Being in the health field and teaching young people about health...

Trampas Parker

I was just a typical X-Pro Athlete who though I knew everything, and I didn’t have a problem in the world. But after coming here with my wife and meeting Dr. Michele, she set me straight on life. That’s when I found out I was .01 away from being a...

Sherry Parker

I was a middle-aged woman with menopausal problems, high blood pressure and low on energy. I had gained a little bit of weight. Knowing my body, I knew something wasn’t right. I had been told that I would just be on blood pressure medicine for the rest of my...

5 Steps to Improved Self-Image

How does one get past the negative flaws they see about themselves? Here are a few simple tips. Step 1: Learn to love yourself. You have heard the phrase “Love the one you’re with”? Who are you with 24/7? You! You have to stop and take a look in the...