Join Us For A Night Of Empowerment 

June 13th

Rachel Fusselman

Rachel Fusselman

I honestly was fine being obese. I was an emotional eater and I didn’t want to give it up. I didn’t realize then that emotional eating was an eating disorder. I just thought it was the way things were now after 4 children and that I deserved it. Every...

Christine Mata

I am an installation technician for AT&T which requires a lot of heavy lifting, attic and crawl space work and climbing utility poles. As a 58 year old female, this is no easy task. Prior to visiting FMI, I was constantly fatigued, irritable, and experiencing...

Kimberly Shipman

When I came to see Dr. Mark Sherwood at Functional Medical Institute, I was struggling with my weight. I thought I was doing all the right things by eating healthy and exercising, but physically I was not seeing the results. In reality, I was eating some of the wrong...

Carla Odom

Where was I? When I came to FMI, I was recovering from cancer and was confused by all the information available. Even though I was eating healthy and consuming mass quantities of supplements, I was still in pain and unhealthy. I was anxious, depressed and...

Jennifer Cyr

I didn’t feel like myself. I didn’t have any energy. I was tired all the time and just feeling like I needed a change. It’s a pretty significant mental game that first three or four weeks as you start to grieve the things that you’re giving up in your life. After that...

Ricky Burr

Where I used to be… I began my journey to wellness, weighing 268 pounds, having a 47 inch waste, blood pressure in the hypertensive range, and with glucose levels in the pre-diabetes range. I suffered from acid reflux and required several antacids every day,...

Carla Hanes

A big issue was blood pressure that was out of control. I was having some medication changes that didn’t seem to really help. Also, I was having some inflammation in the body that couldn’t be identified. I didn’t really know what to do about it....

Charlotte Simpson

I became a momma at the young age of 17, got married and was blessed with 2 more daughters and a stepdaughter. Family life was in full swing and I just stopped taking care of myself and took care of everyone else. I felt so out of control on my nutrition. I would go...

The Sherwood Workout Routine

Many have asked the specifics to our own workout plan. We workout Monday-Friday at 5:45am.  We also workout Saturday at 8am and then rest on Sunday. Let me take you through our typical week on a day-by-day basis. Warm Up We warm up before every workout with 15 minutes...

Darren Schrum

What brought you to our clinic? I have tried to work out over the years, but for the past 10 years I have really seen no change. In the past couple of years I began to feel really sluggish. I also experienced no strength gain…actually, I was probably losing strength....

Pam Burr

After the death of my previous doctor and the sudden closing of his office, I was left trying to find a new doctor. An email was sent recommending a doctor in Broken Arrow. I researched him online and he had lots of negative reviews. I considered a few other options,...

Charlin Graham

I was borderline diabetic. I was obese, having a lot of joint problems. I didn’t feel good. It was a bad feeling. It was depressing. I was just in a bad place at the time. Numerous results I’ve seen. I’ve dropped weight very quickly. My joints feel...

Cynthia Blair

I was taking my medication for depression and my weight kept getting bigger and bigger. And, I’m eating as healthy as I thought I was. I mean I was not eating a lot of junk food. But, it wasn’t helping. In our family, there is diabetes. I wasn’t too...

Connie Moody

I have been on the program for 6 weeks. Have traveled the better part of the last 3 1/2 weeks and have, for the most part stayed with healthy, clean eating, admittedly with a few slip ups. My results so far: I am off of Prilosec (I had been on for over 10 years!!) I...

Jerry Cichon

A little over a year ago, I had a major heart attack and was miraculously brought back to life by Creek County EMT’s right in my living room. They took me to the hospital, did a Heart Cath procedure and gave me the news. The Heart Surgeon said I weighed 424...

Shelly Asche

I had been suffering from Hashimoto’s disease and had a thyroidectomy. Things didn’t go well after surgery and I was very, very sick. I couldn’t remember anything. My muscles were all cramping all the time. I felt horrible all the time. I...

Michael Scofield

Several years ago I injured myself and let myself get out of shape. Finally trying to get back on track a couple of years ago, I lost weight, but also gained some back. It was a constant guessing game on what I needed to do to get where I needed to be. I’ve...


A friend and co-worker of mine referred me to Dr. Michele & Dr. Mark Sherwood after I had been struggling for 2 years with losing that “last 10 pounds” and was constantly fighting fatigue. I went in, took a few blood tests and when the results came...

Shannon Sharp

I began this weight loss journey back in October 2015 not really seeking to lose weight, but to find a doctor that could help me with my PCOS (polysistic ovarian syndrome) symptoms and very achy joints and extreme fatigue. I knew I wanted to lose weight but I had...

Andrea Muse

While thinking about my journey and how far I have come I feel an overwhelming since of peace and joy. You see, 9 years ago I had to have a complete hysterectomy. I feel my body went down hill from there. Over the years of gaining weight and my self esteem going with...