Join Us For A Night Of Empowerment 

June 13th

Where was I?

When I came to FMI, I was recovering from cancer and was confused by all the information available. Even though I was eating healthy and consuming mass quantities of supplements, I was still in pain and unhealthy.

I was anxious, depressed and nonfunctional. I had been walking my own journey of wellness and due to information overload I was confused and burdened by an impossible schedule.

My life was consumed with being healthy. I started praying for help to make sense of and guide me in my wellness journey. I knew that God has given us everything we needed to heal our bodies and to be whole. Surgery and pills were not the answer.

Kingdom Fuel - Drs. Mark & Michele Sherwood

Where am I now?

Today, I am energetic healthy and pain-free. I haven’t felt this good since I was a child. I’m able to do almost everything I want to, including going back to work this past January. It felt good to be a vital member of society again.

What did I change? Almost everything.

First, I started speaking scripture into my life and trusting God more. Because of this, my depression and fear melted away along with 30 pounds of yellow fat. With Dr Mark’s help I made sense of and consolidated the supplements I was taking. I continued to fuel my body with good clean healthy food but started adding protein to my diet.

I also learned that everything is permissible but not beneficial. I started listening to my body and eliminated foods that caused inflammation to my body. I developed a work out routine which is simple and effective.

What would I say to others?

I would tell them to first put your trust in God and lean not on your own understanding. Read scripture daily and speak it into your life to help fight off the invisible battle we fight every day.

Once your walking with God and hearing Gods direction, seek good sound help as I did from Dr. Mark and Dr. Neil, to help you transform your temple into the vessel that God intended it to be. Their godly knowledge and wisdom is invaluable. It is life directing and changing.

Thank you Dr. Mark and Dr. Neil for listening to the desires of my heart and helping me make sense of all the knowledge that is out there. For helping me simplify my life and transforming me into the person God intended me to be. I will be forever grateful.