Take Your Next Step

to Optimal Health

Travis’ Story

Travis’ Story

I’ve been in leadership positions for over 20 years. I met Mark when I was assigned to supervise him on the police department. Mark was over the fitness unit at the time. So here I am, 365 pounds, supervising Mark Sherwood. And it really just started being...

Mary Joe’s Health Story

Before meeting Dr. Mark and Michelle, I thought I was living a good life. I was a mother of five, a full-time graduate student, worked full time, and volunteered in my community. I just constantly felt tired. I was drinking probably a pot or two of coffee every day...

Scott’s Health Story

A lot of times when we think about people’s health, you see people focus on overweight issues. There’s a part of the population that’s underweight. I’ve always been a really small framed and I never ate well my entire life. I probably should...

Ep 65: Are you a YES-a-holic? ft. Mimika Cooney

Anyone who loves gardening probably has some choice words about crabgrass. It looks like it’s just in one spot and then reaches across a sidewalk, wraps around a tree and then jumps under your fence to terrorize your neighbors. What makes it so difficult? The fact...

Ep 64: Breaking the Cycle of Fear ft. Clay Clark

Trust is defined as the “firm belief in the reliability, truth, ability, or strength of someone or something.” Be careful who or what you put your trust in. We put our trust in basic things of everyday life: our car to get us to work, our friends to shoot straight...

Ep 63: The Mind and Body Connection ft. Lofa Tatupu

It’s not often that you hear a former professional football player say that he is in much better shape NOW than he was in the NFL. That is exactly what Lofa Tatupu, formerly playing for the Seattle Seahawks, IS saying. In six seasons, he had 10 surgeries and over 15...

The Lamb’s Story

Melissa – Before I met Drs. Mark and Michele, I had three diagnosed autoimmune diseases, Lupus, Hashimoto’s, and psoriasis. So I had the traditional butterfly rash on my cheeks, and I had a rash covering the entirety of my chest and it would just come and...

Ep 62: Notes to a Younger Me ft. Gary Hensel

What do most of us say about ourselves? Usually something negative: “I can’t do that”, “I’m not pretty enough” or “I don’t have the education…” and on and on. It gets even worse when we don’t feel well. We like to actually BRAG about how awful we feel – it...

Ep 61: Rewire Your Brain ft. Ron Kardashian

Why is it when we think about change, it’s always with someone else in mind? Wives want their husbands to change and husbands hope their wives WON’T change! We want our children to do better in school, be homecoming queen or captain of the football team. We have a...

Ep 60: From “Raw” to “Revved Up!” ft. Brad Tuttle

“Come as you are” is more than a sign in a restaurant window. It is a beautiful invitation to relax, be yourself and not worry about needing to be overly dressed or formal. Jesus also wants us to relax and be ourselves – although many people think that they...

Ep 59: Forest Bathing ft. Dr. Suzanne Bartlett Hackenmiller

Ever driven somewhere and had no memory of getting there? Ever been in the middle of a conversation with someone only to realize you have no idea what the person is saying? Those activities (and countless others) are examples of NOT being mindful. Not slowing down to...

Ep 58: Hope for Alzheimer’s Disease ft. Dr. David Haase

Alzheimer’s. People hate hearing that word. It triggers us; it makes us afraid. “I don’t want anyone to know, because I don’t want to acknowledge it.” It’s hard to say, it’s hard to spell and it leads us into a downward spiral of depression and hopelessness. There is...

Craig’s Wellness Story

As we get older, obviously us males start losing muscle mass, and after age 30 it just gets worse and worse. I play a lot of golf with my buddies, and they were always out driving me and I’m like, “What is going on here?” So I started trying to...

Ep 57: Core Principles – Zero Compromise

Watch “The Prayer List” Official Trailer Men: What do you think it takes to consider yourself a “real” man? Money in the bank? A fast car? A woman you can be proud of? Your every need and desire being met? Or does it go deeper? Work you are content or...

Ep 56: Weighing Your Options for COVID Prevention

As promised, Dr. Mark Sherwood gives us specific information about several news-worthy drugs being currently touted as a cure for COVID. Before you blaze a trail to your nearest pharmacy, he also lists the side effects that come with these medications. This is not to...

Ep 55: COVID Vaccine Ingredients: Another Piece of the Puzzle

Before a rocket launches, engineers and scientists have to make sure that it is “all systems go.” Likewise, if you are considering the Covid vaccine, you should think about your baseline health. Does your body have all the nutrients it needs so that all of your...

Ep 54: Nitric Oxide and Chronic Disease ft. Dr. Nathan Bryan

You may not know what it is, but Nitric Oxide is your friend. It is one of the most important molecules in the human body. Not only is it responsible for oxygen delivery, it is also a “signaling molecule”, meaning that it helps convey information back-and-forth...

Ep 53: Healing Hearts and Wholeness ft. Dr. Barbara Lowe

Despite her many accolades, Dr. Barbara Lowe has “been through” a lot. Parents who did not want her. A life consumed by eating disorders and substance abuse. Relatives in the drug trade who threatened her, and a mother who kicked her out in a drunken rage. Despite...

Ep 52: The Highway to Heart Health ft. Amy Doneen

Plaque might not be where you think it is. Also known as Atherosclerosis, it is normally found in your arterial walls, not sailing along in your blood. Dr. Amy Doneen is a Doctor of Nursing Practice, internationally known in the PREVENTION of heart attack, stroke and...

Ep 51: COVID Vaccine – Safety First

To vaccinate or not to vaccinate? THAT is the question. First, have the courage to think for yourself. Understand that these vaccines are a completely new type. They are called messenger vaccines – messenger RNA, or mRNA. What is RNA? It stands for Ribonucleic...