Take Your Next Step

to Optimal Health

A little over a year ago, I had a major heart attack and was miraculously brought back to life by Creek County EMT’s right in my living room. They took me to the hospital, did a Heart Cath procedure and gave me the news. The Heart Surgeon said I weighed 424 pounds, they could not do any stents and that basically I needed to go home and get my affairs in order.

Me and my wife were shocked and saddened, thought my life was over. He said I had triple arterial disease and that one was 95% clogged and the other two 80-90% clogged.

I went home (being the fighter I am), I said “No. I am going to lose this weight and live.” I went to a cardiac rehab, got back into shape, and began my weight loss journey. The program there was a diet by the American Heart association: grains, vegetables, fruit, etc.

Kingdom Fuel - Drs. Mark & Michele Sherwood

After about 7 months I managed to lose 54 pounds. All I did for 7 months was workout and stay at home. Well life started back and I had to go to work. I gained the weight back all the way to 419 and was once again having failing health.

A friend of mine had post of Dr. Mark on his Facebook all the time, so I finally said I am going to see this guy. I made a appointment with Dr. Mark and began the SHAPE ReClaimed program. The weight has been falling off – I went from 419 to 372 in just three months!

But, I started getting short of breath and took myself to the emergency room. Long story short, they informed me that the one artery was now 100% clogged and the other two around 90 to 95% clogged. To say the least, I was devastated.

The same Heart Surgeon that saw me after my heart attack came in to see me again. I was not looking forward to his diagnosis, especially based on what he said the last time. To my surprise he was ecstatic I had lost the weight and happy the way I was doing it. He said that open heart surgery was now a option and that I could have it now, or go home on medications and try to lose a little more until I felt it was time.

I was ecstatic and relieved at the same time. Yes, I may have to have open heart surgery, but at least I can now due it because of the weight loss.

I am down to 364 pounds and I will keep losing until it’s time. I could have never done this without the guidance of Dr. Mark Sherwood and the Functional Medical Institute, I now have hope and will never leave this way of eating again. Thanks Dr. Mark!

Learn more about the SHAPE ReClaimed program →