Take Your Next Step

to Optimal Health

Many have asked the specifics to our own workout plan. We workout Monday-Friday at 5:45am.  We also workout Saturday at 8am and then rest on Sunday.

Let me take you through our typical week on a day-by-day basis.

Warm Up

We warm up before every workout with 15 minutes on elliptical, stationary bike, or treadmill. During this warm-up, we always select readings from the Bible (at least one Proverb daily and a chapter from another book in the Bible) as well as wellness books and topics.

Kingdom Fuel - Drs. Mark & Michele Sherwood

Monday – Chest

  • Incline bench press – 4 sets
  • Dumbbell pullovers – 3 sets (superset with abdominal exercise such as incline sit ups – sets of 20)
  • Pec deck or dumbbell flies – 3 sets
  • Treadmill – 15 minutes (alternate walking at 3.0 for 1.5 minutes and walking at 4.0 for 45 seconds)

Tuesday – Back

  • Lateral pull downs to front – 4 sets (superset with front planks and side planks – 40 seconds front and 20 seconds side)
  • One-arm dumbbell rows – 3 sets (superset with abdominal exercise such as incline sit ups – sets of 20)
  • Seated low rows – 3 sets (superset with hyper extensions – sets of 20)
  • Treadmill – 15 minutes (alternate walking at 3.0 for 1.5 minutes and jogging at 6.0 for 45 seconds)

Wednesday – Cardio

  • Treadmill – 20 minutes (alternate walking at 3.5 for 1.5 minutes and sprinting at 11.0 for 30 seconds)
  • Elliptical – 20 minutes
  • Stationary Bike – 20 minutes

Thursday – Shoulders and Arms

  • Shoulder press – 3 sets (superset with abdominal exercise such as incline sit ups – sets of 20)
  • Lateral raises – 2 sets
  • Rear raises – 2 sets
  • Triceps push down – 4 sets
  • Biceps curls – 4 sets
  • Treadmill – 15 minutes (alternate walking at 3.0 for 1.5 minutes and walking at 4.0 for 45 seconds – incline set at 10.0)

Friday – Full Body Circuit

All supersets with minimal rest:

  • Machine bench press – 5 sets
  • Lat pull downs to front – 5 sets
  • Machine leg press – 5 sets
  • Abdominal exercises – 5 sets
  • Treadmill – 20 minutes (alternate walking at 3.5 for 1.5 minutes and sprinting at 11.0 for 30 seconds)

Saturday – Legs

  • Leg extensions – 3 sets
  • Leg curls – 3 sets
  • Abductors / adductor – 3 sets
  • Leg press, hack squats, or squats – 5 sets
  • Calf raises – 4 sets (superset with abdominal exercise such as incline sit ups – sets of 20)
  • Treadmill – 15 minutes (alternate walking at 3.0 for 1.5 minutes and walking at 4.0 for 45 seconds)

Sunday – Rest

We change the repetition range each week.

  1. Week 1 – 6 to 8 repetitions with two minutes rest between sets
  2. Week 2 – 12 to 15 repetitions with one and a half minutes of rest between sets
  3. Week 3 – 20 or more repetitions with 30 seconds or less rest between sets

Obviously, this changes the weight that we are lifting. It is important to carry a journal and document your individual exercise sessions. In order to improve, progressive resistance principles must be practiced (i.e. we want to have a pattern of continued improvement and strength gains).

Periodically, we mix in various functional movement exercises, kettle bell, and yoga movements.

This is one of our most basic work out patterns in which we have utilized for years. This has produced consistent gains and improvements for us, and we are sure it will provide the same for you as well.

At-Home Online Workouts

Did you know we have a series of at-home online workouts ranging from beginner to advanced?

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