Join Us For A Night Of Empowerment 

June 13th

Dr. Mark’s (Unexpected) Story

When most think of heroes and best friends, ideas may come to mind of a mother, spiritual leader, or athletic role model. Someone you want to model your life after. However, in my case I think of my husband, Mark. Mistakenly, some believe we were blessed with a...

Dr. Michele’s (Unexpected) Story

When most think of heroes and best friends, ideas may come to mind of a father, spiritual leader, or distant role model. However, in my case I think of my wife, Michele. Mistakenly, some believe we were blessed with a “silver spoon” life. However, that...

Sherwood Secrets to Staying Lean

Many ask us how we stay so lean and in good shape for people our age. The calendar actually tells our age, but we feel much younger. So we want to give you some of our top secrets to staying lean. In reality, they are not secrets at all but well-known truths that have...

The Sherwood Breakfast Routine

There has been much debate on whether or not to eat breakfast, and finally exactly what to eat during breakfast. First, let’s define exactly the word breakfast. It is actually broken down into two words that are jammed together, break and fast. Simply put,...

The Sherwood Meal Plan

We all want to be healthy, right? For Dr. Michele and I, this passion has consumed our lives. It’s not that we overvalue the physical part of wellness; it’s that we value the totality of wellness. Unfortunately, it takes a serious medical issue to serve as...

The Sherwood Workout Routine

Many have asked the specifics to our own workout plan. We workout Monday-Friday at 5:45am.  We also workout Saturday at 8am and then rest on Sunday. Let me take you through our typical week on a day-by-day basis. Warm Up We warm up before every workout with 15 minutes...