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June 13th

Does the type of carbohydrate really matter?

As the low-carbohydrate-diet fad slowly loses steam, another may be moving in to take its place: the glycemic index fad. The glycemic index (GI) ranks carbohydrate foods based on how they affect the body’s blood glucose levels. “High GI” foods such...

Eating for a High Intensity Event

In today’s world, a lot of our activity tends to be crammed into our weekends. Though we may not be “weekend warriors” per say, we may try to be extremely active on the weekends by participating in recreational sports or completing 3 day’s worth of house projects in...

Fattening Foods Disguised as Being Healthy

Dr. Michele and I absolutely refuse to put two things in our home or in our bodies: cereals and whole wheat (or whole grain) bread. Specifically regarding the cereals, let’s begin by analyzing the back label. Breakfast Cereal It is very common to see the first...

Finding Success with Weight Loss

I have been asked at least 100 times (if not 1000) how to lose a few pounds. Before addressing this topic head on, I want to establish a couple of things: Scale weight is a symptom of behavior – either good or bad. If the scale weight declines because of exercise and...

Fruit Juice – The Hidden Danger

At the hospital the other day, I overheard someone asking a patient what kind of juice they wanted with dinner. The patient explained that they were diabetic and should just have water, but the person taking the order convinced them to order juice anyway because,...

Healthy Bread Alternatives

Food marketers are clever. They know you’re trying to be healthy so they provide so called healthy options. Funny thing is that whole wheat bread may just be white bread with a little bit of wheat flour mixed in and in most cases, this wheat bread actually...

Healthy Thanksgiving Tips & Recipes

Thanksgiving is right around the corner and now is the perfect time to reflect on the good things in our lives. I want you all to know that I count my patients and readers among my many blessings, and I’m grateful for your support over the years. Our wish for you this...

Healthy Trail Mix

What’s so unhealthy about a mixture of nuts? Absolutely nothing, but we all know that trail mix sneaks in some extras. Candy, yogurt-covered raisins, and fried banana chips, just to name a few. And on top of it all, there is usually added sugar. At least there...

How Alcohol Affects Your Weight Loss Efforts

I have seen more than one of my colleagues and friends overtaken by the powerful effects of alcohol consumption. What may have begun as ‘just a drink or two with work mates’ became a powerful addiction that ended with a slow, torturous death. So is there anything...

How Alcohol Causes Nutrient Deficiencies

Many patients forget to tell me about their alcohol consumption. A glass of wine here and there is not a big deal. Once it becomes a routine or greater than 3 to 4 times a week vitamin deficiencies and clinical symptoms may show up. To get a better understanding of...

How Grains Contribute to Disease

For the majority of the history of mankind, grains were not cultivated or consumed in any appreciable amount. Most humans lived as hunter-gatherers. Once civilization developed several thousand years ago and people moved closer together, the need to hunt and gather...

How Nutrition & Exercise Affect Your Brain

Cognitive health refers to your capacity to think, recall and process information. Who wants to suffer from mental impairment? No one! Recent studies suggest lifestyle choices affect the metabolism of nerve cells. Nutrition (the energy and nutrients the brain needs)...

How to Increase Muscle and Decrease Fat

Dr. Michele and I routinely see frustration in the hearts, minds, and voices of our patients regarding failed weight loss attempts. If you have been frustrated with the scale and its stubbornness or if you have tirelessly searched for the weight loss answer, please...

How to Minimize the Toxic Effects of Alcohol

Both Dr. Michele and I recognize that alcohol can be very much a part of social gatherings. Whether we agree or not is not the point. Here is the point, however: Alcohol is indeed a toxin and can have debilitating toxic effects. Also it is important to mention that...

How to Overcome Emotional Eating Habits

​The fallout after the death of a loved one can be extreme on our emotional behavior. Many have turned to alcohol or drugs to minimize the sting of death and loss. One thing that doesn’t get discussed enough is the emotional draw to food.​ When Food Becomes Our...

How to Reduce Long-Term Disease Risks: The Anti-Inflammatory Diet

It is becoming increasingly clear that chronic inflammation is the root cause of many serious illnesses, including: heart disease, many cancers, diabetes, rheumatologic disease, and more. We all know inflammation on the surface of the body as local redness, heat,...

Intermittent Fasting: How to Reset Your Metabolism

Resetting your metabolism is an often discussed topic with a variety of opinions. However, there is one surefire way to fire up your metabolism that works every time without fail. It is found in utilizing the concept of intermittent fasting. The “Fed...

Is “everything in moderation” really a good plan?

The phrase, “everything in moderation,“ is often bantered about freely in a wide variety of situations.? The phrase was originally spoken in the Bible by the apostle Paul. The context, in this case, had to do with the consumption of meat that was sacrificed to idols,...

Is breakfast really that important?

If the body has been in a fasting state for more than 2 hours its fuel sources begin to shift gears. If the fast goes on too long the sources of fuel to keep the engines running become precious muscle tissue. We all want to keep our hard earned muscle on our bones and...

Nutritional Support for the Brain

Along with age comes memory and cognitive decline. In addition to an appropriate nutritional protocol and good exercise, science shows that there are many nutrients that are potent for supporting the health of the brain. The following is a list of nutrients that have...