Join Us For A Night Of Empowerment 

June 13th

Living Alive

Bob had always done life a certain way. He was fairly active, but has always been overweight—and his cholesterol has always been out of control, despite a “healthy” dose of medications. Bottom line: he didn’t feel alive. When he finally came to see us, he was ready...

Medication Swaps to Heal Your Body

Common over-the-counter medications, like ibuprofen, can have detrimental long-term side effects. So here are some healthy and natural alternatives. Medication Swaps for Headaches Every day, more the 30 million people worldwide take an anti-inflammatory drug like...

Natural Alternatives to Ibuprofen and Aspirin

There has been much literature published regarding the issue of in NSAIDs, non steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. They include aspirin, ibuprofen, ketoprofen, indomethacin, and many many others. These medications are commonly taken for many conditions including...

Natural Remedies for Allergies

If you’ve suffered from seasonal allergies or food allergies, you may have noticed that antihistamine medications like Zytrec, Allegra or Benedryl provide quick relief of your symptoms. This is because histamine’s role in the body is to cause an immediate inflammatory...

Natural Remedies for Chapped Lips

It is important to remember that chapped lips and dry skin have many causes and can occur in any season. Sun, wind and changes in season contribute to chapped lips and skin as well as the dryness in the atmosphere of home. If your child is a “lip licker”...

Natural Treatments for Heart Disease

Do we have to suffer from heart disease as we grow older? Current trends in this country seem to suggest so. By age 50, almost half of all Americans have some type of cardiovascular disease, as do three-quarters of those in their seventies. According to findings from...

Safe, Natural Remedies for Heartburn

One in five Americans regularly suffers with heartburn or GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disorder), and a significant percentage of them are on popular drugs. The names of these drugs you may recognize as Nexium, Prilosec, Prevacid, Protonix, a generic known as...

Sherwood Secrets to Staying Lean

Many ask us how we stay so lean and in good shape for people our age. The calendar actually tells our age, but we feel much younger. So we want to give you some of our top secrets to staying lean. In reality, they are not secrets at all but well-known truths that have...

Supplements to Help You Sleep

Somewhere around half of Americans complain of sleep problems and nearly 10% of Americans use sleeping pills. The problem is most sleeping pills are designed to be used for a week or two but they’re often being used much longer. Once you’ve started taking...

The Best Way to Get a Flat Stomach

Is it crunches? Leg lifts? Sit ups? Is there one best exercise to get a flat stomach? Let me be the first to inform you the answer is an resounding, YES! With that emphatically stated, let me lay out this perfect exercise for flat abdominal muscles and a chiseled...

The Designer of Life

We might not be in the Garden anymore, but the Gardener is still with us. When we consider the creator of the universe—the creator of you—we must not look to modern society, the state of our health, rampant disasters, sickness, disease, and suffering. Watch the...

The Enemy of Healing

When you consider humanity’s ever-increasing struggle— and stated desire—for wellness, is there any doubt that we’re in a battle? Shouldn’t we be further along? Just look at the upward trend in the use of pharmaceutical medications. We are not against pharmaceutical...

The Key to Body Composition Success

The calories burned with exercise certainly have some importance on body composition, but not nearly as much as people think. The vast majority of your return on investment in regard to positive body composition change lies squarely with your nutritional protocol. How...

The Power of the Sleep Cycle

We often wonder why we are awake at night and worry over our sleep habits and patterns. To answer these questions, first we should come to understand the normal, natural state of the rhythms of sleep. A person can get by on 6 or even 4.5 hours of sleep per day without...

The Quickest Way to Get In Shape

What ever happened to good old-fashioned hard, consistent work?  Hasn’t it always been the tried and true, sure-fire way to lasting success and results? Somehow, in regard to fitness, this hard work – consistent methodology has morphed into an ‘I want in NOW’ or...

The Real Cause of Weight Gain

The true answer to weight loss does not lie in a diet. It lies in discovering the spiritual root of the improper relationship with food. You may say that really has nothing to do with it. But let me prove it to you. Do you find comfort in food? Does it make you feel...

Understanding Malnutrition

In today’s busy culture most people do not nourish their bodies to maximize metabolism, but instead just grab something fast in order to control hunger. This causes malnutrition, in which the body is unable to remain healthy or recover from illness or even daily...

Understanding Your Cholesterol Numbers

One of the biggest fears we have is being crippled by the onset of heart disease, heart attack or stroke. Cholesterol can be one of the largest players in bringing on one of the aforementioned conditions. It is imperative to understand what cholesterol is and how it...

What Bad Breath Says About Your Health

My husband always ensures we have breath mints when we are with other people. Not much can ruin a pleasant conversation more than bad breath, particularly when it’s taking place within tight confines such as an office, airplane or car. Oral malodor is often much more...

What causes obesity?

The simple change in body composition where there is more weight around your middle can lead to serious health destroying consequences. We often pass of a little weight gain as no big deal when all the while it is wrecking havoc on our health. However, for every pound...