Join Us For A Night Of Empowerment 

June 13th

So persons ask, “What is the responsibility of me the patient, as a part of the FMI community?” It’s pretty simple…

We want you to learn and grow up. We want you to come in with a learning attitude, willing to think about things differently and expand your mind. If you wanna learn, we’re gonna be the ones to teach you and it becomes sort of a mentorship or a leadership program.

We become the teachers and you become the students and we want you to take notes, ask questions, become really engaged and a part of the process, instead of just someone that’s waiting for us to tell you what to do.

Kingdom Fuel - Drs. Mark & Michele Sherwood

So we’re looking for people that really have a desire to optimize their health and be better, so that you can become a billboard of hope for somebody else. If you learn it, you’re gonna walk it and live it, and people are gonna see a difference the difference, and be drawn to you just because of it.

You’ll have a different aura about you. That’ what we want and what we expect. We want to see a learning and development process. We don’t want to see you doing the same old things over and over again. that doesn’t produce anything new or different. That’s the definition of insanity! If you wanna learn, and your desire is to learn, then we’ll expect to see it.

Once you learn it, we expect you to also put it into action. We can have a lot of good head knowledge, but we actually have to walk that out and put it into motion. You’re not going to be the person that you want to be if you don’t.

So come learn with us! Let us teach you! Let us provide you with hope, and show you a new way to be completely and totally well! We will teach you all the principles and give you all the tools, but you get to be the one to apply those tools. You get to reap the benefits and the rewards. You get to be taht walking billboard of hope.

What’s the difference between a heart change and a head change? They say “well, there’s 13 inches of difference.” It’s so much more than that, and we want to see a heart change about health. That’s our desire, and that’s what we expect for a patient at FMI.

We’d like you to get it in your mind, and sink it in your heart so it becomes a part of your fabric and is not forgotten. We want these good new health concepts to become healthy habits that you never let go of.