Join Us For A Night Of Empowerment 

June 13th

So the question is: “Does FMI do primary care?”

Well let’s define what primary care is first of all. Primary care for us is: primarily caring about you.

What I mean by that is that primary care should be designed to keep you out of the doctor’s office. To teach you how to stay well. That’s our primary responsibility as doctors and teachers.

Kingdom Fuel - Drs. Mark & Michele Sherwood

If we teach you well, you become a good student and you master the skills to have a healthy optimal lifestyle. That’s primary care.

Primary care is not this….

You get a sniffling nose or a headache and then come in and get a pill. That’s acute care. Acute sick care.

So the answer is YES, we absolutely do primary care, because we wanna teach you how to stay out of our office. We primarily care about you! We want to see you healthy and well all of your days.