How to Keep Your Glandular System Healthy – Promoting Balanced Hormones
The glandular system is a communication device but is slower than the nervous system. Messages travel as hormones and work in a series of chain reactions. These hormones can work at the site, near the site, or a long way from the site where they originate. For...
The Most Insane Workout Ever – Guaranteed Results
With so many styles, types, and philosophies of workouts, it is no wonder I am often asked for advice on this topic. As a workout veteran of over 30 years, I have learned a few things. So, for the first time ever, I am going to attempt to blend this vast experience...
How Nutrition & Exercise Affect Your Brain
Cognitive health refers to your capacity to think, recall and process information. Who wants to suffer from mental impairment? No one! Recent studies suggest lifestyle choices affect the metabolism of nerve cells. Nutrition (the energy and nutrients the brain needs)...
7 Ways Parents Mislead Their Children Without Even Knowing It
After raising 3 children, I found that being a parent is very tough. Having made numerous mistakes, I cannot say I am perfect. However, I have learned a few things. I am sorely saddened by the state of childhood obesity. We address it with public service announcements...
5 Simple Lifestyle Changes to Prevent Metabolic Syndrome
Metabolic Syndrome is a growing medical condition that is wreaking havoc on our health. It is the condition that predates diabetes. What this means is, if we catch this early, we may be able to ward off the onset of type II diabetes mellitus. Metabolic syndrome is a...
7 Ways to Avoid Surgery – Saving You Boatloads of Cash
People spend hard-earned money to seek advice and information from experienced professionals and practitioners, such as myself. When I am questioned about cost, I embrace the opportunity to educate regarding the concept of investing in your health. With that said,...
The 14-Day Meal Plan: How to Effectively Give Up Old Eating Habits
When prescribing lifestyle alteration plans, I am often met with statements such as, "I am gonna have a hard giving up some of the things that I am used to eating. I know they are bad for me, but I really enjoy them." How many of you have uttered these words? Trust...
What Everybody Ought to Know About Overeating
I saw two neighboring restaurants recently which had signs reading "ALL YOU CAN EAT." Obviously, for those of you who know me quite well, I have not visited either place. My non-visitation, however, is not based on the taste or quality of the food. It is based upon...
The Ultimate Guide to Nutrition
If you are thinking about changing the way you look or feel by changing your lifestyle you have made a good decision. The human body you live in is magnificent. The DNA that makes up your genes is the blueprint to making this change. The foods we eat directly affect...
The Daily One-Minute Exercise
1440 minutes - our total time allotment every day. How we 'spend' our time is indicative of our priorities. Whether we spend or invest our time derives our level of return. If we spend our minutes wisely, we attain a great return and vice versa. Following is one tip...