Join Us For A Night Of Empowerment 

June 13th

People spend hard-earned money to seek advice and information from experienced professionals and practitioners, such as myself. When I am questioned about cost, I embrace the opportunity to educate regarding the concept of investing in your health. With that said, lets take a look at the cost of some common surgical procedures.

Average Cost of Common Surgical Procedures

  • Heart Surgery $100,000
  • Gastric Bypass $22,000
  • Liposuction $3,000
  • Knee Replacement $50,000

It is astounding to see these numbers, but the doctors who perform these procedures certainly must have the required expertise. They don’t, and should not, work for free. Oftentimes this is not all ‘out-of-pocket’, as we depend on our insurance to cover an amount or percentage. If one does have a procedure as described above, what do you think would happen to your monthly insurance premium? Yes, you guessed it; it is destined to increase over time.

What if I told you there are several less expensive things you could do right now to greatly increase your chances of avoiding these procedures all together? Would that interest you? If so, keep reading…

Kingdom Fuel - Drs. Mark & Michele Sherwood

There is little debate that these procedures are often needed because of a poor nutritional, highly stressed, and sedentary lifestyle. Here is a list (with potential costs) of what you can do NOW to regain or maintain your health.

7 Ways to Regain & Maintain Your Health

1. Utilize quality protein drinks in the morning.

I recommend 20-25 grams of powdered protein mixed with 12-14 ounces of unsweetened almond or coconut milk. This highly dense morning protein meal starts the day off by regulating blood sugar. Remember, how you start often sets the tone for how you finish. Cost of quality whey protein: $50-$80 for 2 pounds. This results in an average cost of this meal being between $2-$3. This sure beat an egg, cheese, and sausage muffin at your favorite fast food establish in both price and quality.

2. Walk a little each day.

This sounds almost too good to be true, but walking is the best form of exercise. Obviously, I recommend progressing to jogging if possible and including weight training (at least 2 days weekly). This helps keep the extra weight off, assists with circulation, and helps with detoxification (through sweat). The cost on this is FREE.

3. Eat a salad for lunch with a 5-6 ounces of lean protein.

At a restaurant, you will pay between $8-$12 for this. At home, however, the price will be as little as $4-$5.

4. Practice the diaphragmatic breathing technique to relax.

This helps big time in the area of stress (your response to outside stimuli). The cost on this is FREE. Discover the diaphragmatic breathing technique in one of my previous posts.

5. Do not eat carbohydrates after 7:00 p.m.

This will keep insulin down, assist with sleep, and aid fat metabolism while you sleep. The cost on this is FREE. You may even consider it a gain as it saves the expense of that late night pastry or bowl of ice cream.

6. Eat whole and real foods as much as possible.

Sounds simple enough, but it may require a redesign of your grocery shopping plan. Buying whole and real food can increase your normal grocery budget at first by 20-30%. However, after a time, you and your family will begin to eat less as the food becomes more nutritious.

7. Apply this advice with the proper value it holds.

I normally require a nearly $100 hourly fee. Because I care for each of you, I am giving you this advice for FREE without having to make an appointment. If the last two statements sound arrogant, that is not my intention. I simply desire that you view the information as very important and highly valuable.

There you have it! Following these 7 rules will decrease your chances of having to have the procedures above performed on you. So which costs more? What is the better investment?

I urge you to invest now as to NOT PAY later. I desire for you to have a higher quantity and higher quality of life.