The Truth About Carbohydrates and Exercise
There is much debate regarding the necessity of carbohydrates as they relate to training. Specifically, the debate centers on the need for carbohydrates in regard to needed energy to train. To really delve into the issue, we must divide training into two categories:...
5 Keys to Fail-Proof Your Life
Nobody likes to fail. After all, fail is indeed a 4-letter word. In school, we often refer to failure as an "F". In life, we may identify failure with any of the following: divorce, bankruptcy, losing, absence of health, or any other thing less than perfect. Even the...
Are carbohydrates essential?
Numerous fitness buffs and exercise junkies across our world are falling prey to the antiquated idea that carbohydrates are the general go-to when it comes to energy. Additionally, the idea of “carbing up” before a workout is all too often leading to a disaster in the...
Your Past Does Not Decide Your Future
When people notice my stature and physique then hear my enthusiasm, passion, and abilities when I speak, I realize some may see a person who they believe has not had too many struggles. Let me begin by painting you a picture of a pudgy teenager who was bullied. I...
10 Questions to Determine How Successful You Are
I was recently contacted regarding my post about courage. In the comment, I was asked the question, "What is success?" First I think it wise to identify the most popular definition of success and then go from there. With that said, success can be defined as follows:...
Does eating fat make you fat?
For the last 20 years or so, society has developed a skewed belief that eating fat makes one fat. However, that is not altogether true. As you probably have heard, there is a growing population of proponents of the paleo or primal eating plans, which are very high in...
11 Questions to Ask Yourself About Courage
I recently noticed a sign which said, "It takes courage to succeed." I began think about that...first, what is meant by courage, and second, what is meant by success? Courage is reflected clearly in the concept of walking through fear to face a worthy cause head-on....
Why You Should Consider Taking Supplements
For far too long we may have misunderstood the intent and action of supplements. It does not help matters since savvy marketers promise the world to get you to purchase their newest rescue pill. Shop quality supplements → Supplements are food. Food is supplements....
How Grains Contribute to Disease
For the majority of the history of mankind, grains were not cultivated or consumed in any appreciable amount. Most humans lived as hunter-gatherers. Once civilization developed several thousand years ago and people moved closer together,...
When Your Word Meant Something
Wow, how times have changed! If you are like me and have some years under your belt, you have seen times change in regard to 'giving your word.' Your word used to be your BOND. Now it appears there is quite a divergence from that particular standard of ethics. Today,...