Join Us For A Night Of Empowerment 

June 13th

10 Ways to Heal High Blood Pressure

Do you suffer from high blood pressure? High blood pressure, also known as hypertension, means that the pressure in your bloodstream is much higher than it should be. Your system is under pressure and increasing its internal tension. What Causes High Blood Pressure?...

11 Signs of Mold Illness

Mold is a big problem in most homes, but many people are unaware of the problem. Of course, everyone looks at the shower curtain, under the sink, or in the basement when he or she think about mold issues, but mold can grow just about anywhere. Mold can be found in...

11 Ways to Prevent the Flu + The Flu Shot Explained

When the cold and flu season is upon us, the most important thing is to be well informed. Getting the flu shot is essential if you meet the criteria for its administration.  The final decision to receive the flu shot occurs between patient and practitioner.  Make sure...

3 Supplements to Help with Fatigue

Fatigue is so common, it is an every day complaint in patients who come to me for care. It’s not surprising that nutrient deficiencies are low energy causes, given that your body’s trillions of cells rely on vitamins and minerals to generate energy. What is surprising...

3 Ways to Boost Your Immune System

Get our Immune Support Packs (click here) It’s that time of year again when cold and flu can take over an immune system. Unfortunately, most of us take our immune system for granted until we become aware of its function, when it starts to fail in its ability to...

4 Risk Factors of Metabolic Syndrome

An epidemic is occurring in the United States of America. The growing number of children and adults obesity and metabolic syndrome is astonishing. This syndrome usually end in the chronic disease called diabetes. Diabetes carries many chronic health destroying issues...

5 Simple Lifestyle Changes to Prevent Metabolic Syndrome

Metabolic Syndrome is a growing medical condition that is wreaking havoc on our health. It is the condition that predates diabetes. What this means is, if we catch this early, we may be able to ward off the onset of type II diabetes mellitus. Metabolic syndrome is a...

5 Simple Ways to Improve Hormone Balance

1. Maintain optimal gut health. Speak with your doctor about prebiotics and probiotics. They both help you maintain optimal digestive health, and along with fiber, may help to lower the amount of estrogen reabsorbed back into your bloodstream, which may to help...

5 Steps to Wellness

There are places and times where a decision must be made. These are sometimes referred to as “forks in the road.” One such decision pertains to health. I see numerous people who have experienced the reality of this impending decision with recently...

5 Symptoms that Lead to Diabetes

The big BUZZ words out there are pre-diabetes, metabolic syndrome, Syndrome X and insulin resistance. These are all precursors to the horrible disease diabetes. You need to know if you are at risk, and if you are already in the hot water tank headed towards diabetes....

5 Tips for Avoiding the Sedentary Lifestyle

We all know exercise is a critical component of the overall wellness quest. However, the common question Dr. Michele and I get is, “How much and what type?” The short answer is this… Everyone should move more and sit less! The greatest benefits of exercise...

5 Tips to Becoming to a Healthier, More Energetic You

Our diet is more depleted than ever before. We are eating so little nutrient-dense food. We continue to make poor food choices. We are dying from slow cellular death because there are little to no micronutrients available for physiologic function. The problem is that...

5 Ways to Heal Candida

Candida is common, and it’s symptoms are vast. Many have Candida without being aware and yet it’s often misdiagnosed. What is Candida? Candida is a fungus, a type of yeast, in your mouth and intestines. It is normally benign and beneficial in normal amounts. Guess...

6 Questions to Ask Yourself About Healthcare

I am oftentimes characterized as “radical.” I would hesitate to use the word “radical” in describing me, but I would use the word “inquisitive.” In other words, I question the current while not forgetting the former. Let me translate that further by saying that I ask...

6 Ways to Live Free from Sickness

If you make a practice of eating healthily, you’ll have more energy and want to be more active. This means living a long life free from sickness and disease. Here are a few simple guidelines: 1. Eat a variety of nutrient rich foods. Your daily food selection should...

6 Weight Loss Tips (When You Can’t Find Motivation)

1. Remove “try” from your vocabulary. Just do it! Set one simple daily goal that you will stick with! If it’s eat one green vegetable, do it! If it is to walk 10 minutes, do it! If it’s avoiding all sugar, do it! Sticking with something day...

7 Foundational Healthy Habits

What exactly does it mean to be disciplined? Does it mean simply doing the same things over and over again? On the surface, we may say YES to the second question. In this application, we could simply do something of a poor choice over and over again and say ‘we...

7 Things You Can Do Today to Improve Your Health

People continually ask me about steps to stay healthy and free from chronic sickness and disease. I have come up with a few things that should always be at the top of your checklist. 1. Always look to God first as the Almighty physician. And in the thirty-ninth year...

7 Tips for Staying Lean

​Every one wants to be lean. Phrases like “Thin Is In” or “Strong Is the New Fit” flood fitness magazines and the minds of us all. We all want to “look good”, “feel good”, and most of all, no one wants to be “FAT”. It takes...

7 Ways to Avoid Surgery – Saving You Boatloads of Cash

People spend hard-earned money to seek advice and information from experienced professionals and practitioners, such as myself. When I am questioned about cost, I embrace the opportunity to educate regarding the concept of investing in your health. With that said,...