Is breakfast really that important?
If the body has been in a fasting state for more than 2 hours its fuel sources begin to shift gears. If the fast goes on too long the sources of fuel to keep the engines running become precious muscle tissue. We all want to keep our hard earned muscle on our bones and...
The Quickest Way to Get In Shape
What ever happened to good old-fashioned hard, consistent work? Hasn’t it always been the tried and true, sure-fire way to lasting success and results? Somehow, in regard to fitness, this hard work – consistent methodology has morphed into an ‘I want in NOW’ or...
Adrenal Fatigue: How Constant Stress Breeds Fatigue
Our patients’ most common symptoms are fatigue, insomnia, weight gain, and depression. Does that sound like you? If so, your underlying problem may be adrenal fatigue. Every woman who comes to our clinic with these symptoms gets an adrenal fatigue test, which consists...
20 Ways to Lose Weight and Gain Energy
There is no such thing as good diet. In fact the first three letters in the word diet are DIE. Is it any wonder why diets never succeed? We get to a certain point, feel like we are going to die and quit before the grave site bears our bones. You have the power to...
An Exercise Plan for Beginners
“Where do I begin when it comes to beginning an exercise plan?” With so many options to choose from, I want to lay out some basic guidelines to follow when just starting out. Please understand that when I say ‘just starting out,’ I am speaking to those who know they...
Get Rid of the Scales
It seems these days that there are so many issues surrounding weight and weight loss. If you don’t weigh a certain number of pounds, you may consider yourself overweight or even fat (I don’t like using that word, but let’s be real). Further, if you view yourself as...
Heavy Weight Training (the Safe Way)
If you're like most Americans, when you hear terms like 'heavy weight lifting,' you may have images of veins-rippling muscle-bounds freaks who pose in magazines or bikini shows! Fortunately this is NOT what heavy weight lifting is all about. After more than two...
How to Experience Peace In the Midst of Chaos
Life has been anything but a piece of cake. I receive responses regarding my presentations, sermons, tweets, and blogs that seem to hold the theme that I, Mark Sherwood, seem to have it ALL together and have no problems in which to handle. Do you really believe...
Increase Your Life Span With These Two Things
I recently saw a cartoon depicting a doctor speaking with a slightly overweight patient. The caption of the doctor speaking read, “Would you rather exercise one hour per day or be dead 24 hours a day?” To me, the correct option seemed obvious. To others, I believe...
Eating for a High Intensity Event
In today’s world, a lot of our activity tends to be crammed into our weekends. Though we may not be “weekend warriors” per say, we may try to be extremely active on the weekends by participating in recreational sports or completing 3 day’s worth of house projects in...