How to Overcome Food Triggers
Everyone has different food triggers. For some it is as simple as the thought of a doughnut that drives them to over eat while others never think to eat. Some triggers may be associated with friends, family, certain places, moods, times of day and other environmental...
Natural Alternatives to Ibuprofen and Aspirin
There has been much literature published regarding the issue of in NSAIDs, non steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. They include aspirin, ibuprofen, ketoprofen, indomethacin, and many many others. These medications are commonly taken for many conditions including...
Man’s Ideas vs God’s Ideas
We are all aware of God's miracle of creation. We know there are seven days in which the world and everything in it was created. Whether these are actual literal days is not the point. Just for a refresher and review, let's revisit the idea of what God created and...
Natural Remedies for Chapped Lips
It is important to remember that chapped lips and dry skin have many causes and can occur in any season. Sun, wind and changes in season contribute to chapped lips and skin as well as the dryness in the atmosphere of home. If your child is a "lip licker" then chapped...
3 Ways to Combat Stress and Restore Vitality
Has your life sped out of control? Has your health began to deteriorate? If so, keep reading as we have a three prong approach to regain control and bolster your health. Recently while traveling down the streets of Tulsa Oklahoma, my wife and I found ourselves amazed...
6 Tips for a Good Night’s Sleep
1. Keep a sleep schedule. Try going to bed and waking up at the same time every day. It takes 70 to 90 minutes to complete a sleep cycle. If you are consistent with the time you go to bed and the time you wake up, your brain and circadian...
Religion Is a Fatal Disease
Why such a harsh title to this writing? Before I give an answer to that question, let me preface by saying both Dr. Michele and I are born-again spirit-filled Christians. I say this upfront with the request that our belief system not be placed in premature judgment....
3 Ways to Boost Your Immune System
Get our Immune Support Packs (click here) It's that time of year again when cold and flu can take over an immune system. Unfortunately, most of us take our immune system for granted until we become aware of its function, when it starts to fail in its ability to...
How to Maintain a Healthy Sleep Cycle
Your internal 24-hour sleep-wake cycle, otherwise known as your biological clock or circadian rhythm, is regulated by processes in the brain that respond to how long you’ve been awake and the changes between light and dark. Hormones that Determine Sleep Patterns At...
14 Ways to Organize Your Life
Disorganization is rampant in our society. It rears its ugly head through anger, chaos, emotional instability, and overwhelmingness. Symptoms include depression, fatigue, financial debt, and even weight gain. Many of these symptoms can be avoided by simply instituting...