Join Us For A Night Of Empowerment 

June 13th

7 Ways to Lower Your Blood Pressure

Heart disease is one of the major causes of death and chronic illness. Don’t wait any longer, because now is the time to prevent the silent internal damage that wreaks havoc, ending in heart attack, stroke or other chronic disease. High Blood Pressure Defined...

7-Step Heart Disease Prevention Plan

1. You must educate yourself. Understand what causes heart disease, heart attacks and strokes. You need to know that the answer is your lifestyle. The way you live your life every day is what causes arterial inflammation, stiffening of the artery wall and plaque...

8 Christmas Gifts for Your Body and Brain

The holidays can pack on the calories, and sometimes the resulting pounds stay with us the rest of the year. This season, give yourself and your loved ones the gifts of actually improving your health and enjoying new habits. The value of these gifts is immeasurable....

8 Tips for Ongoing Weight Management

Whether you have met your goal weight or still working towards it, one of the biggest fears people have is keeping the weight off. So, let me share a few tips that will help you with ongoing weight management. Good news is, it is probably easier than you think. 1....

9 Ways You May Be Hurting Your Liver (Without Even Knowing)

The liver is one of our body’s largest organs but is often overlooked and deserves greater respect. It does all the dirty work for the rest of your body by essentially disposing of all the unhealthy things we consume. There are several misconceptions when it...

Adrenal Fatigue: How Constant Stress Breeds Fatigue

Our patients’ most common symptoms are fatigue, insomnia, weight gain, and depression. Does that sound like you? If so, your underlying problem may be adrenal fatigue. Every woman who comes to our clinic with these symptoms gets an adrenal fatigue test, which consists...

Back to the Garden

What does “paradise,” or “heaven on earth” mean to you? What good hopes and dreams do you have for your life? We always ask new patients, “What are three areas about your life—or health—that you hate?” and “What are three areas you want to improve?” If we can...

Body Mass Index (BMI) – A Poor Health Marker

I love reading medical journals. I recently came across an article that was curious to me. The Journal of American Medicine recently reported a review that uncovered evidence that being overweight (a BMI of over 25) or obese (a BMI of over 30) increases the risk of at...

Burn Fat, Build Muscle [Audio]

In this audio teaching from a wellness class at the Functional Medical Institute, Drs. Mark & Michele teach you how to utilize fat as fuel while building muscle at the same time.

Cellular Fatigue: A Possible Source of Your Exhaustion

The word fatigue can have a broad spectrum of causes. Usually fatigue relates to either mental or physical exhaustion. However, in this article we will primarily focus on a unique source of fatigue: cellular fatigue. I will explain it thoroughly and also discuss some...

Chronic Inflammation: The Root of Illness

If you examine top medical journals right now, you would see that most, or even all of them, would make mentioned multiple times of something called “chronic systemic inflammation”. This type of inflammation is extremely detrimental to our health and...

Constipation Remedies

Constipation can be caused by a number of factors including poor diet, physical inactivity and some medications. When bowels refuse to move, we often run for a laxative. Problem is laxatives can cause dehydration, electrolyte and mineral imbalances and may even lead...

Coronavirus: A Needed Perspective

Originally predicted to claim up to 200,000 lives by the end of 2020, COVID-19 predictions have been drastically downgraded to 60,000 lives lost in the United States as a result of the virus. As we all would agree, each person is valuable. The pain of losing a family...

Crush the Winter Blues with Simple, Natural Practices

Extra stress around the holidays taxes the physiological system and exhausts the adrenal glands. Exhausted adrenal glands compromise your ability to sleep, think clearly, and can even spiral into various levels of depression. If we use typical substances to restore...

DHEA: What You Need to Know

Recommended DHEA Supplement (click here) Hormone balance is delicate. It is like a symphony – it needs the right mix of all the players. In this case we are going to talk about DHEA and its benefits in helping the adrenal glands combat the symptoms of fatigue...

Digestive Disorders

Your gastrointestinal tract (GI tract) is the system in the body that digests and absorbs food and then expels waste. The GI tract also contains many immune system cells and serves to protect the body from infection. 85% of your immune system lines your GI tract. All...

Dr. Mark’s (Unexpected) Story

When most think of heroes and best friends, ideas may come to mind of a mother, spiritual leader, or athletic role model. Someone you want to model your life after. However, in my case I think of my husband, Mark. Mistakenly, some believe we were blessed with a...

Dr. Mark’s Cholesterol Dilemma

Being a healthy guy who is extremely cautious about what I put in my mouth, I am not immune from concern from time to time. Case in point – after a recent routine blood test, I was alarmed to see an elevated LDL and suppressed HDL. Specifically, my LDL was in...

Get Rid of the Scales

It seems these days that there are so many issues surrounding weight and weight loss. If you don’t weigh a certain number of pounds, you may consider yourself overweight or even fat (I don’t like using that word, but let’s be real). Further, if you view yourself as...

Health Insurance – The Disturbing Trends & What You Can Do About It

According to a recent study (looking at trends in private employer-based health insurance from 2003 to 2013), premiums for family coverage increased 73 percent over the past decade—faster than median family income. Employees’ contributions to their premiums climbed by...