Join Us For A Night Of Empowerment 

June 13th

8 Christmas Gifts for Your Body and Brain

8 Christmas Gifts for Your Body and Brain

The holidays can pack on the calories, and sometimes the resulting pounds stay with us the rest of the year. This season, give yourself and your loved ones the gifts of actually improving your health and enjoying new habits. The value of these gifts is immeasurable....

5 Food Swaps to Heal Your Body

Food marketers are clever. They know you are trying to be healthy so they provide so-called healthy options. Yet, many of them are not healthy at all. So, let’s debunk 5 foods most think are healthy, but aren’t, and what to eat instead. #1: Granola Granola...

Avocado: A Nutrient-Packed Fruit

That round green ball that makes such good guacamole packs a powerful health punch! Where does the avocado come from? The avocado is believed to have originated in Puebla, Mexico. The oldest evidence of the avocado was found in a cave in Puebla, Mexico and dates back...

10 Ways to Heal High Blood Pressure

Do you suffer from high blood pressure? High blood pressure, also known as hypertension, means that the pressure in your bloodstream is much higher than it should be. Your system is under pressure and increasing its internal tension. What Causes High Blood Pressure?...

5 Ways to Heal Candida

Candida is common, and it’s symptoms are vast. Many have Candida without being aware and yet it’s often misdiagnosed. What is Candida? Candida is a fungus, a type of yeast, in your mouth and intestines. It is normally benign and beneficial in normal amounts. Guess...

Why You Should Care About Gut Health

Gut health has been a favorite topic of ours to talk about. When it comes to wellness and the body functioning at its very best, gut health is where it all starts. This goes for everyone, even when there is no doubt that your main health issues and concerns seem...

19 Superfoods to Keep Around the House

Superfoods do a body good! Superfoods are the most nutritionally dense foods in the world, which have been found to contain intense healing. They have been used for many years by native people to heal the mind, body, and can be thought of as nature’s medicine. In...

Finding the Right Amount of Exercise

If a little exercise is good for you, more must be better, right? Yes, but only up to a point. When it comes to exercise volume, there is a “dose-response relationship,” which means that the more you work out, the more benefits you will achieve. However, there is a...

How to Maintain Healthy Joints

Joint health can be helped with a big hitter known as MSM. No one likes the crepitus, aches and pains that come with the passing of years! MSM might be a rescue aid we need! What is MSM? Methylsulfonylmethane, also known as MSM, is a big name befitting a nutritional...

How Alcohol Causes Nutrient Deficiencies

Many patients forget to tell me about their alcohol consumption. A glass of wine here and there is not a big deal. Once it becomes a routine or greater than 3 to 4 times a week vitamin deficiencies and clinical symptoms may show up. To get a better understanding of...

How to Cultivate Happiness

Most of us want to be happy. We don’t often realize that happiness is a choice. It is up to us to find it, cultivate it and then let it resonate through our entire lives. Let it resonate out from your DNA and to every cell of your being until you continually have a...

Body Mass Index (BMI) – A Poor Health Marker

I love reading medical journals. I recently came across an article that was curious to me. The Journal of American Medicine recently reported a review that uncovered evidence that being overweight (a BMI of over 25) or obese (a BMI of over 30) increases the risk of at...

5 Simple Ways to Improve Hormone Balance

1. Maintain optimal gut health. Speak with your doctor about prebiotics and probiotics. They both help you maintain optimal digestive health, and along with fiber, may help to lower the amount of estrogen reabsorbed back into your bloodstream, which may to help...

6 Ways to Live Free from Sickness

If you make a practice of eating healthily, you’ll have more energy and want to be more active. This means living a long life free from sickness and disease. Here are a few simple guidelines: 1. Eat a variety of nutrient rich foods. Your daily food selection should...

How to Heal Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)

Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a chronic and debilitating functional disorder that impacts many individuals and yet is poorly understood. There is no single known cause, although stress and diet can exacerbate symptoms. Many practitioners use trial and error...

10 Ways to Extinguish Stinking Thinking

​In order to propel your health and wellness journey forward, you have to extinguish negativity from inhabiting your thought process. Can you extinct stinking thinking from your life? Let’s look and see where it might be present and get our minds free from the...

How BPA Affects Your Health

Chemicals that enter our bodies can affect our health in various ways. One of the most common chemical being BPA.  It affects the epigenome and is a cause for other health problems. What is BPA? BPA stands for bisphenol A. BPA is an industrial chemical that has been...

How to Break Health Destroying Habits

Instead of spinning around symptoms and problems, we need to identify the root cause, which is often our own habits. So, here are steps to solve some of the most health destroying habits. Step 1 – As yourself, “why”. In order to uncover these...

How to Relieve Jaw Pain

Do you suffer from jaw, facial or headache type pain? Temporomandibular disorder (TMD), or temporomandibular joint (TMJ) syndrome, is the most common cause of pain in the face. It often occurs after a tooth ache and never goes away. Two TMD Syndromes Muscle-related...

Detoxing: What You Need to Know

Cleansing and detoxing are all the rage. You can have fresh, organic juice cleanses delivered to your door, pick up a detox kit at your local health food store, or follow one of the many do-it-yourself programs endorsed by celebrities such as Dr. Oz and Oprah....