Join Us For A Night Of Empowerment 

June 13th

When you consider humanity’s ever-increasing struggle— and stated desire—for wellness, is there any doubt that we’re in a battle? Shouldn’t we be further along?

Just look at the upward trend in the use of pharmaceutical medications. We are not against pharmaceutical drugs, but we are very passionately against the overuse and unnecessary use of medications.

Why? Because medications are not about healing disease. Medications are about managing conditions.

Kingdom Fuel - Drs. Mark & Michele Sherwood

If we believe 3rd John 2 that God is all about healing, then we can’t believe God is completely satisfied by the mere management of conditions. Let’s look at Galatians 5:19–20:

“Now the works of the flesh are evident: sexual immorality, impurity, sensuality, idolatry, sorcery, enmity, strife, jealousy, fits of anger, rivalries, dissensions, divisions.” (Emphasis added)

The Apostle Paul, under what we believe to be God’s direction, is talking to the Galatian church about the decline of their lifestyle. Regarding the word sorcery, the original Greek word is pharmakeia. This is the same word by which we derive pharmacy and pharmaceuticals.

There seems to be symbiotic view of pharmakeia and sorcery working hand in hand. This seems to indicate that a dependence upon drugs to bring about healing is a form of substitution—or distraction from the real source of health.

A sole dependence upon drugs to heal certainly doesn’t agree with the biblical principle, does it?

Insuring Health

There seems to be no escaping many forms of insurance in our society. Homeowners, auto, health, and endless other forms of coverage.

The question to consider is this: When does insurance pay?

The answer is: When something goes wrong.

When does car insurance pay? When the car breaks. Does car insurance pay for putting air in your tires? Does it pay for oil changes? Tune ups? Fuel? No.

When does health insurance pay? When you’re sick.

“Health insurance” is probably the improper term for that particular protective mechanism. It’s not health insurance, it’s sick insurance. It’s catastrophe insurance.

When something breaks or goes wrong in our bodies, we’re sadly mistaken if we believe health insurance will pay for our “tune ups” and “fuel.”

Health insurance is important, but too many people have been lulled into dependence on pharmaceutical and insurance companies. (And in our view, more money is spent on the advertising a medication—to fuel this dependence—than is invested in the research and development of the product.)

How many people’s insurance premiums and deductibles go up every year? We believe that if we pay our $5,000 deductible, the insurance company will pay for everything. But we forgot they took an additional five thousand more dollars from us over and above our monthly premium.

Do not be deceived by this tactic. Insurance is a for-profit business, and consistent customers are the best source of consistent insurance income. Aiming to get people well would bankrupt big business.

We need to understand how to keep that money in our pockets. That’s what “well care” does—it keeps the deductible in your pocket. Every year.

This is an excerpt from Drs. Mark & Michele Sherwood’s book, Surviving the Garden of Eatin’