The Enemy of Healing
When you consider humanity’s ever-increasing struggle— and stated desire—for wellness, is there any doubt that we’re in a battle? Shouldn’t we be further along? Just look at the upward trend in the use of pharmaceutical medications. We are not against pharmaceutical...
Living Alive
Bob had always done life a certain way. He was fairly active, but has always been overweight—and his cholesterol has always been out of control, despite a “healthy” dose of medications. Bottom line: he didn’t feel alive. When he finally came to see us, he was ready...
The Designer of Life
We might not be in the Garden anymore, but the Gardener is still with us. When we consider the creator of the universe—the creator of you—we must not look to modern society, the state of our health, rampant disasters, sickness, disease, and suffering. Watch the...
Back to the Garden
What does “paradise,” or “heaven on earth” mean to you? What good hopes and dreams do you have for your life? We always ask new patients, “What are three areas about your life—or health—that you hate?” and “What are three areas you want to improve?” If we can...
You Were Made for Health
We all believe something. Whether it’s faith in God, in people, or in science, our beliefs shape our choices and our lifestyle. When it comes to your health, what do you believe? We ask because what you believe is the foundation of your life. Our foundation is the...
What’s Stealing Your Energy? (Part 1)
From the Prime Conference 2018 in Tulsa, OK Let's dive into energy themes and myths. A lot of times, people will think what they do, certain things, are good to promote energy. We've talked about fatigue. We've talked about...
Supplements to Help You Sleep
Somewhere around half of Americans complain of sleep problems and nearly 10% of Americans use sleeping pills. The problem is most sleeping pills are designed to be used for a week or two but they're often being used much longer. Once...
Indigestion & Heart Burn Remedies
The stomach is naturally acidic, which enables it to breakdown proteins. But when there's too much acid or the protective mechanisms are inadequate, the lining of the stomach can become damaged leading to all kinds of symptoms like nausea,...
Constipation Remedies
Constipation can be caused by a number of factors including poor diet, physical inactivity and some medications. When bowels refuse to move, we often run for a laxative. Problem is laxatives can cause dehydration, electrolyte and mineral...
Healthier Medications for Headaches
Everyday, more than 30 million people worldwide take an anti-inflammatory drug like Ibuprofen or Aspirin. Although these over-the-counter medications do reduce pain caused from inflammation, there's a trade-off. First of all, they destroy...