When and How to Detox
Recommended Detox Kit: NutriClear® Plus Detoxification is a complex term. The easiest way to detoxify your body is to stop putting in the Standard American Diet. This Diet plan is full of additives, preservatives and metabolic products that every cell in your body has...
Quick Tips for Selecting Eggs & Meats
What type of eggs should I eat? Eggs are great in the denseness of nutrition. As a matter fact, they are one of the most nutrient dense foods today. They are high in protein, iron, choline, selenium, phosphorus, riboflavin, vitamin A, vitamin E, and vitamin K2....
How to Get Past the “I Can’t” Attitude
Dealing with people who are desiring to better their health opens up a wide range of observations. Many times, the concept of fear will raise its ugly head. Fear will keep you from walking in faith. Fear will also keep you from walking in divine health (learn how to...
The Sherwood Meal Plan
We all want to be healthy, right? For Dr. Michele and I, this passion has consumed our lives. It's not that we overvalue the physical part of wellness; it's that we value the totality of wellness. Unfortunately, it takes a serious medical...
Fattening Foods Disguised as Being Healthy
Dr. Michele and I absolutely refuse to put two things in our home or in our bodies: cereals and whole wheat (or whole grain) bread. Specifically regarding the cereals, let's begin by analyzing the back label. Breakfast Cereal It is very common to see the first or...
Burn Fat, Build Muscle [Audio]
In this audio teaching from a wellness class at the Functional Medical Institute, Drs. Mark & Michele teach you how to utilize fat as fuel while building muscle at the same time.
DHEA: What You Need to Know
Recommended DHEA Supplement (click here) Hormone balance is delicate. It is like a symphony - it needs the right mix of all the players. In this case we are going to talk about DHEA and its benefits in helping the adrenal glands combat the...
Overcoming the Fear of Failure
I have had much time to reflect upon my own life. Where did my negative roots come from? What is the basis? Do I truly have fear? While I want others to allow God to remove all spiritual blockades to healing, it is very important to share of God's working in my own...
Natural Treatments for Heart Disease
Do we have to suffer from heart disease as we grow older? Current trends in this country seem to suggest so. By age 50, almost half of all Americans have some type of cardiovascular disease, as do three-quarters of those in their seventies. According to findings from...