Join Us For A Night Of Empowerment 

June 13th

How Fear Causes Sickness and Disease

Fear is one of the main spiritual roots of sickness and disease. It runs deep, requires enormous emotional energy, and demands action. We all have roots of fear that begin with the first man and first woman. Let’s go back to Genesis...

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5 Symptoms that Lead to Diabetes

The big BUZZ words out there are pre-diabetes, metabolic syndrome, Syndrome X and insulin resistance. These are all precursors to the horrible disease diabetes. You need to know if you are at risk, and if you are already in the hot water tank headed towards diabetes....

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Intermittent Fasting: How to Reset Your Metabolism

Resetting your metabolism is an often discussed topic with a variety of opinions. However, there is one surefire way to fire up your metabolism that works every time without fail. It is found in utilizing the concept of intermittent fasting. The "Fed State" of the...

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Our Favorite Protein Shake

Drinking a high quality protein shake every day is a great way to pursue wellness. Our favorite protein shake tastes good and is very nutrient-dense.  Dr. Michele even says it is better than Braum's ice cream! (We'll let you decide for...

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The Complete Guide to Overcoming Stress

Modern life is full of frustrations, deadlines, and demands. For many people, stress is so commonplace that it has become a way of life. Stress isn’t always bad, though. Stress within your comfort zone can help you perform under pressure, motivate you to do your best,...

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Core Four Nutritional Supplements

Many have attended our classes and explanation of what we call the "core four supplements". When we speak of optimizing mitochondrial function and preservation of the cell health, these are absolutely critical.The core four are as follows: B complex, magnesium, CoQ10,...

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Chronic Inflammation: The Root of Illness

If you examine top medical journals right now, you would see that most, or even all of them, would make mentioned multiple times of something called "chronic systemic inflammation". This type of inflammation is extremely detrimental to our health and well-being....

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13 Rules of Gym Etiquette​

I remember in times past upon entering a new gym and signing membership papers, I was given a set of rules in which I was expected to obey. The rules outlined expected behavior while utilizing the facility. Many times, these rules were known as gym etiquette. These...

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5 Ways to Take Your Life to the Next Level

What exactly is the mystical "next level?" It seems to be a place where most want to get at some point in life. In reality, it means constant challenge, commitment, and the willingness to get up after being knocked down. If you are one that truly desires to get to the...

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Sherwood Secrets to Staying Lean

Many ask us how we stay so lean and in good shape for people our age. The calendar actually tells our age, but we feel much younger. So we want to give you some of our top secrets to staying lean. In reality, they are not secrets at all...

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Kingdom Fuel - Drs. Mark & Michele Sherwood

Virus Protection Checklist

11 Guidelines to Help you Strengthen Your Immune System

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What We Do

We empower you to take control of your health through education, state-of-the-art diagnostic testing, and a personalized wellness plan.

bioTE Medical Hormone Replacement Pellets

Dr. Michele Neil-Sherwood is an authority on bioidentical hormone replacement therapy and authorized representative of bioTE Medical. Learn about bioTE, a safe and effective hormone replacement therapy.

FMI Recipe Book

Cauliflower Pizza Crust, Nutty Breakfast Bars, Chipotle Chicken Stuffed Sweet Potatoes, and more!

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