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June 13th

Common over-the-counter medications, like ibuprofen, can have detrimental long-term side effects. So here are some healthy and natural alternatives.

Medication Swaps for Headaches

Every day, more the 30 million people worldwide take an anti-inflammatory drug like ibuprofen or aspirin. Although these over-the-counter medications do reduce pain caused from inflammation, there’s a trade off.

First of all, they destroy the lining of your gut, which can lead to ulcers, stomach bleeding and even kidney failure. If that’s not enough to keep you away, these drugs can also increase your chance of heart attack or stroke.

Kingdom Fuel - Drs. Mark & Michele Sherwood


When it comes to headaches, low magnesium is a key contributor. Actually, it is estimated that about 75% of Americans aren’t getting enough magnesium.

Dark leafy greens, like spinach, are the best way to get magnesium from food. You can also take a high-quality supplement. The best options when it comes to headaches are magnesium glycinate or magnesium malate.

Recommended Supplement: Magnesium Malate

Vitamin B12

Another way to combat headaches is with vitamin B12, which contains a rare metal that is extremely important for the functioning of the nervous system and red blood cell production.

Most people can consume adequate amounts of B12 through a healthy diet. But if you are struggling with constant headaches or even migraines, B12 supplementation is worth the shot because it does not have any adverse side effects and may even give you a boost of energy.

Recommended Supplement: Vitamin B12

Medication Swaps for Joint Pain

We’ve already talked about why to avoid anti-inflammatory drugs, like ibuprofen, so let’s talk about some healthy alternatives for joint pain.


First up, Curcumin, which is simply turmeric root ground into a fine powder. Curcumin is an antioxidant and a natural anti-inflammatory agent. It’s safe. And, in most people, it’s free of side-effects.

Recommended Supplement: Curcum-Evail®

Omega 3

Another way to alleviate joint pain is with Omega 3 supplementation. The two fatty acids in Omega 3, EPA and DHA, can reduce inflammation. According to several different studies, people with rheumatoid arthritis who took Omega 3 supplements had a reduction in joint pain.

Recommended Supplement: OmegAvail™ Synergy

Vitamin D

People with low levels of Vitamin D often have joint pain. Vitamin D is crucial for the formation of bone. The best source of Vitamin D is fish, specifically swordfish and salmon. These must be wild caught sources.

You also absorb Vitamin D through exposure to sunlight. And if those two things aren’t enough, a high-quality Vitamin D supplement will do the job.

Recommended Supplement: Vitamin D Complex

Medication Swaps for Sleep

Somewhere around half of Americans complain of sleep problems. And nearly 10% of Americans use sleeping pills. The problem is, most sleeping pills are designed to be used for a week or two, but they are often being used much longer.

Once you’ve started taking sleeping pills, it’s hard to stop. After long-term use, you build up a tolerance to the medication. Yet, at the same time you can become dependant on the medication. So you end up not able to fall asleep without them, but even with them, your sleep isn’t that great.

So, let’s talk about some healthy alternatives.

L-Theanine / GABA

L-Theanine is naturally found in tea leaves. This amino acid works by elevating chemicals in the brain that promote relaxation and reducing other chemicals that are linked to stress and anxiety. So, taking L-Theanine as a supplement may not only help you fall asleep quicker, but also improve the quality of your sleep.

Another option is GABA, which has one main job in your system, slowing down the nerve cells. GABA comes as a natural supplement and not only promotes sleep, but can also relieve anxiety, reduce depression symptoms, relieve symptoms of PMS, and decrease inflammation.

Recommended Supplement: NeuroCalm™


Lastly, let’s talk about melatonin, which is a natural hormone released by your body when the sun goes down to help you relax. In general, a healthy system produces appropriate amounts of this hormone on its own. But, if you are suffering with jet lag or adjusting to work schedule changes, a melatonin supplement may be the right solution.

Recommended Supplement: Melatonin

Medication Swaps for Acid Reflux

The stomach is naturally acidic which enables it to break down proteins. But when there is too much acid, or the protective mechanisms are inadequate, the lining of the stomach can become damaged leading to all kinds of symptoms like nausea, abdominal pain and heartburn.

Most people run for the bottle of antacids when these symptoms arise, but the problem is, they only work on existing acid in the stomach. They do not stop further production of acid, so you’ll likely end up right back where you started.

Prolonged use of antacids may cause a condition where the stomach starts producing even more acid. On the other hand, excessive neutralization of stomach acid may allow bacteria to survive in your gut that shouldn’t, weakening the body’s main defense systems.

So, let’s talk about some healthy alternatives.


Acid reflux can often be caused by an overgrowth of bad bacteria in your gut. To combat this, you can take a high-quality probiotic so the good bacteria can prevent an overgrowth of the bad bacteria.

Recommended Supplement: ProbioMed™

HCl Betaine

Believe it or not, acid reflux can also be tracked back to low stomach acidity. When this happens, you can use HCL Betaine to restore proper pH levels in the stomach.

Although HCL therapy is safe, use should be short-term and monitored by a health practitioner. You should also never take HCL supplements alongside anti-inflammatory medications like ibuprofen.

Recommended Supplement: Betaine HCl with Pepsin

Medication Swaps for Constipation

Constipation can be caused by a number of factors, including poor diet, physical inactivity and some medications. When bowels refuse to move, we often run for a laxative.

Problem is, laxatives can cause dehydration, electrolyte and mineral imbalances, and may even lead to dependence where you can’t have a bowel movement without them.

So, let’s talk about some healthy alternatives.

The first step is adopting an anti-inflammatory nutritional protocol, where you focus on eating lean meats, quality fats, and plenty of fruits and vegetables. Leave all the sugars, breads and processed foods behind.

Magnesium Citrate

Improving nutrition will work wonders, but if you still find your bowels stuck, magnesium citrate is a great alternative to laxatives. It works by relaxing your bowels and pulling water into your intestines. Be sure to drink plenty of water so you don’t become dehydrated when taking magnesium citrate.

Recommended Supplement: MagCitrate Powder

Just like having good bacteria in your gut helps with digestion of food, good bacteria also helps the intestines and colon by breaking down stool so it passes more easily. Data shows that probiotics may improve transit time, stool frequency and stool consistency.

So, a daily probiotic may not only help with acid reflux, but also help keep you regular.

Recommended Supplement: ProbioMed™

The Long-Term Solution

When it comes down to it, improving what you eat is the long-term solution to most health problems. We recommend an anti-inflammatory nutritional protocol where you focus on lean meats, quality fats, and plenty of fruits and vegetables. Leave the sugars, artificial sweeteners, breads, grains, and processed foods behind.

Always consult your healthcare provider before changing any medications.