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June 13th

Obesity can be related to the genes you carry, not just the blue jeans you wear! There is one particular gene called the Fat Mass and Obesity gene, or FTO gene, that may be part of your propensity to gain weight and resistance to shedding it.

What role does the FTO gene play?

For those of us who have difficulty losing weight, there may be help available. The FTO gene has been associated with an increased risk of obesity. This gene is not new and has been studied in a multitude of weight loss trails.

It’s more prevalent among certain people. Only 5 percent of Africans and 21 percent of Asians carry the FTO gene, but more than 40 percent of Caucasians carry it – and you may be among them.

Kingdom Fuel - Drs. Mark & Michele Sherwood

Individuals who have the FTO gene are more prone to overeating. You might recognize some of the behaviors (hedonic) tied to overeating, the inability to become satisfied, or not feeling full, continual cravings even though you have just eaten a meal.

With the FTO gene, these traits are noted and individuals who carry two copies of the dysfunctional gene are more susceptible to be obese. The severity of the symptoms are not as great if there is only one copy. These copies are called alleles. And their variations are called polymorphisms.

What are the implications of the FTO gene?

  • Eating larger portions and, consequently, more calories.
  • A taste for more fattening foods and those with higher sugar content.
  • Continuing to eat other foods, like snacks or desserts, even after having had a full meal.
  • These individuals have a low satiety index.

If this sounds familiar, you might carry the FTO gene. Basically, your brain seeks food and coaxes you into eating because of your low satiety (inability to feel full).

Reward and gratification tied to food leads to dopamine production, which activates reward and pleasure centers in the brain. This is not new news. The dopamine center in the brain is a pleasure center and is strongly influenced by food.

It’s not a stretch to theorize that people with the FTO gene are more susceptible to developing a gratification habit through food, which can lead to overeating and obesity.

What can be done to regain control of our health?

Knowing that you have the gene can be powerful and helping you gain control over your over eating. Having the gene is one thing, controlling your behavior is another. Once you know that you have the FTO gene you must make it a priority to maintain a healthy weight or lose some unwanted yellow fat weight.

It all boils down to picking the right foods and watching your portion size when eating, both of which should be partnered with boosting your level of physical activity. You are in control of your long-term outcome. If you know you have the FTO gene, you have excessive food cravings and the inability to feel full. You must go at the kitchen with a watchful eye and mindful heart, otherwise you are likely to over eat.

Knowing whether you have the FTO gene is just one part in managing your long-term health and prevention of obesity. We now know that obesity is a disease and it can be prevented. The more tools we have at understanding the condition the more we can prevent the onset of obesity. Therefore, diminishing the destructive effects it has on her long-term health the more powerful our life will be!

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If you have not participated in our health, metabolic, and exercise DNA profile, it is time to get started! Get tested to understand how to create a personal plan just for you. It will help you obtain the best long-term outcome you can possibly have.

We all want a quality life, not just one that is full of years of suffering and disability. Obesity will bring the quality of life down relatively quickly. Obesity is an inflammatory condition. The sooner we get a hold of it the better our health will be! We don’t have to be sick anymore.

We have the information to keep you well by understanding who you are at the genetic level and then putting that application in to your life for the rest your life. You are unique. Let us help you take the steps to understand how and what to do about it.