Join Us For A Night Of Empowerment 

June 13th

As a young working mom, I got so sick that I could not work nor could I be the mom that I wanted to be to my son and a wife to my husband. And I felt completely inadequate.

My life before, I knew what I had to look forward to. I was in college and I worked at least 20, 30 hours on top of that. I would do my work, work out, play tennis, etc. I was in the best shape of my life at that point.

And then it just all started crumbling down right after I graduated from college. All of a sudden, I was getting headaches, and then extremely bad headaches that medicine wouldn’t even touch. I was even breaking out in hives.

Kingdom Fuel - Drs. Mark & Michele Sherwood

And then came the migraines… At that point, it just really felt like I missed out on so much of my son’s life because I just couldn’t do anything. I might have been physically present, but was always in that fog that comes with a migraine.

If you’ve had migraines, then you know you aren’t the same person as you were before.

My symptoms got so severe and overwhelming that I had to go on short-term disability at work. At that point, I knew I had to get help. I had to feel better.

I went to three PCPs (or my regular doctors), and I went to two neurologists. I grew tired of them just giving me pills and me not really feeling better.

Then I was like “You know what? I think I’m gonna try to see if I just changing my diet would work.”

That’s whenever the migraines had stopped for the first time ever. And that lasted for a little while, but then things started dwindling down. That’s when I got in touch with Dr. Michele’s office.

I have never had a doctor that brings in such faith. It’s not just the food. It’s not just the medication. They helped me realize that It’s about what’s going on on the inside.That was the first time I’d ever had that in a doctor.

So, life was almost near perfect. Our son was at the age where he was self-sufficient and mama didn’t have to do everything. So it was just great being able to see the little boy that my son was becoming.

I was able to actually have the energy to go outside with him and run around. I was never able to do that before.

Things were actually so good that we thought… “You know what, if we’re gonna have another kid, we better do it now because I’m not getting younger!” Fast forward and she is now seven months old!

I’m not gonna lie. It’s not a pretty picture every single day. Life has its ups and downs. You know, sleep deprivation and moody little kiddos. That’s just life….

I remind myself how things were with my son after I had him. I was way down on the scale. Now, I’m towards the top. I’m not at the top yet, but I’m working my way up.

It feels good because I know that I have Mark and Michele to help get me where I need to go. I can’t wait for my little one to start sleeping better during the night. Then maybe I’ll be as energetic as I was before.

Here’s what I would say to any other mom’s out there with a similar story to mine….

While these principles may seem simple, some might find it complicated. But I will tell you that you are worth it.

You deserve to be healthy. You deserve to not feel sick all the time, or to not feel alone. You deserve to not to feel like you’re a bad mom or a bad wife or whatever else you think that you’re not doing well in life.

Just know that it’s temporary. You can get better and life will get better. It’s not always perfect, but I can guarantee you, it will be better.