Join Us For A Night Of Empowerment 

June 13th

I met Dr. Mark and Michelle, and Mark talked to us about how to really live better.

It was more of a holistic approach, a whole life without all the extras that the world gives you.

It covers all aspects, spiritual, physical, mental, emotional. And we liked what he was saying and thought, Let’s try it.

Kingdom Fuel - Drs. Mark & Michele Sherwood

Don and I both needed to lose a little weight, but it was more than that. It really wasn’t even about the weight.

It was more about just becoming healthier, getting everything right. Just overall a better, general feeling.

With the physical side of things, we have more energy, our sleep patterns are better, and we’re staying awake longer in the day.

Now, we still have our little nap times, but we do feel really well!