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Sherwood Secrets to Staying Lean

Sherwood Secrets to Staying Lean

Many ask us how we stay so lean and in good shape for people our age. The calendar actually tells our age, but we feel much younger. So we want to give you some of our top secrets to staying lean. In reality, they are not secrets at all but well-known truths that have...

The Sherwood Meal Plan

We all want to be healthy, right? For Dr. Michele and I, this passion has consumed our lives. It’s not that we overvalue the physical part of wellness; it’s that we value the totality of wellness. Unfortunately, it takes a serious medical issue to serve as...

The Truth About Ketosis & Low-Carb Diets, Backed by Science

A lot of people are confused by the term “ketosis.” You may read that it is a “dangerous state” for the body, and it does sound abnormal to be “in ketosis.” But ketosis merely means that our bodies are using fat for energy. Ketones (also called ketone bodies) are...