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June 13th

Superfoods do a body good! Superfoods are the most nutritionally dense foods in the world, which have been found to contain intense healing. They have been used for many years by native people to heal the mind, body, and can be thought of as nature’s medicine.

In today’s world of pesticides, GMO’s and other man-made processes, it is important to include them in your diet for optimum performance and vitality! Superfoods not only have more nutrition per bite than other foods do, they also have other components that cut down on inflammation in the body, support mental health, boost energy, stamina and longevity.

Superfoods can fight toxins.

Our bodies contain toxins that are detrimental to our health. These toxins are from the foods we eat, the water we drink and from the air we breathe. There are hundreds of studies showing that environmental problems can easily put our bodies into an overload, making it difficult to get rid of the toxins.

Kingdom Fuel - Drs. Mark & Michele Sherwood

To get rid of these toxins, the body needs antitoxins. Antitoxins help cleanse the digestive system and protect the body against cancer-causing chemicals and tumors. One of the best antitoxins to cleanse the body and keep diseases like cancer away is, without a doubt, mother natures Superfoods.

Superfoods contain natural ingredients, which are scientifically proven to carry cleansing minerals, vitamins, as well as flavonoids. They act as defense mechanisms against any toxins that may harm the body by producing tumor suppressor cells. These cells help with the improvement of the body’s immune system, combating any mutant and diseased cells.

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19 Superfoods and Their Benefits

Let’s explore some healthy options you might want to have around the house! You may want to rotate them in and out of your nutrition plan to get a wide variety of nutrients. Below is a list of a few healing Superfoods, which you should add to your nutritional lifestyle as soon as possible.

In fact, these foods not only taste good but they will give you glowing, well-toned skin, prevent cancer, improve your brain health and help you in weight management. If you do not feel that your body is working at its optimal level of performance, these Superfoods will greatly improve your overall health.

1. Apples

Packing in quite a bit of antioxidants, soluble fiber (4 grams per medium apple) for a modest amount of calories (95), apples make a filling, sweet snack.

The cellular healing benefits include:

  • Protection against Alzheimer diseases.
  • Decreasing the chances of getting diabetes.
  • Protecting the body against cancer causing agents.
  • Help with the body’s digestive system.

2. Almond Milk

Almond milk is extremely rich in Vitamin E, which is very important in regulating skin health. It also contains minerals like calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, and zinc.

One serving of almond milk contains a half of the recommend daily value that offers these cellular healing benefits:

  • Helps with the body’s bone structure.
  • Improves eyesight.
  • Helps with muscle growth and repair.
  • Regulate blood levels

3. Avocado

Inside of just one avocado, you will get a dose of vitamins A, B6, C, E and K. Sometimes referred to as, guacamole, the avocado is a very popular fruit that has many cellular healing benefits.

Some of the benefits include:

  • Phytochemicals that help in fighting cancer.
  • Contains mono saturated fats which help in reducing cholesterol levels.
  • Regulates and increases blood flow.
  • Reduces any risks of high blood pressure.

4. Arugula

Arugula is a leafy herb that is primarily used in salad. Arugula contains high levels of folic acid and antioxidants like vitamin C, vitamin K, and vitamin A.

If you consume arugula regular, you’ll likely to reap these cellular healing benefits:

  • Antioxidants that help in cancer prevention.
  • During the hot months, the herb helps in hydration.
  • High in vitamins and minerals that improve brain functions.
  • Improvement of the bones

5. Black Pepper

Black Pepper helps with proper digestion which is essential to avoid diarrhea, constipation and colic. Pepper also helps to prevent the formation of intestinal gas. Black pepper is an inexpensive frequently used spice that is easy to get.

A pinch of black pepper in your meals has the following cellular healing benefits:

  • Helps in cleansing the body through frequent and controlled urination.
  • Helps in weight loss by breaking down fat cells.
  • Improves digestion by increasing hydrochloric acid in the stomach.
  • Help in gas reduction.

6. Blueberries

Blueberries are sweet berries that are commonly known as brainpower boosters. Hundreds of studies reveal that these Superfoods can reduce age-related symptoms from dementia. Consuming just one cup of blueberries provides the following nutrients: Resveratrol, Gallic acid, Lutein, Zeaxanthin, Vitamin K and C, Manganese and Fiber.

They also provide these benefits:

  • Repair damaged cell structures.
  • Help with brain protection, improving learning capacity and motor skills.
  • Regulating the body’s blood sugar levels.

7. Black Raspberries

Anthocyanins in black raspberries promote healthy eyesight in several ways, including by improving night vision, boosting circulation within the capillaries of the retina, and reducing the risk of retinopathy in diabetic patients.

They are extremely nutritious and some of their cellular healing benefits are:

  • Helping to reduce tumor growths.
  • Have ellagic, which acts as an anti-viral and anti-bacterial.
  • Have antioxidants that help to prevent cancer, especially of the colon and esophagus.
  • Their phenolic content helps in fighting different kinds of diseases in the body.

8. Broccoli

Broccoli provides 92 micrograms of vitamin K, well over 100% of your daily need. Broccoli is a vegetable that is well-known to carry high amounts of carotenoid and sulforaphane, which helps to flush out chemicals that cause cancer from the body.

Other cellular healing benefits are:

  • Improving the digestive system.
  • Helps in weight maintenance.
  • Improvement of the health of the heart.
  • Better cognitive functioning.
  • Helps to reduce tumors.

9. Brazil Nuts

The greatest health benefit of Brazil nuts lies in their high selenium content.

Some of the cellular healing benefits of Brazilian nuts are:

  • Boost the body’s metabolism.
  • They help to maintain better bone strength.
  • They have antioxidants that help to fight many diseases including cancer.
  • They contain Vitamin E, which helps with the maintenance of the membrane of the skin.

10. Brussels Sprouts

Brussels sprouts meet your vitamin C and vitamin K needs for the day. Brussels sprouts are low calorie and highly nutritious cellular super food that are a good source of different vitamins and minerals.

Benefits include:

  • Improving the cardiovascular system.
  • Lowering cholesterol levels.
  • Contains antioxidants that lowers the risk of cancer.
  • Helps flush out the toxic compounds from the body.

11. Carrots

Carrots provide vitamin A and a host of other impressive health benefits including beautiful skin, and anti-aging. They are commonly known for improving the eye.

Carrots are rich in many nutrients, carrying good amounts of fiber content and beta-carotene that bring about the cellular healing benefits below:

  • Maintaining healthy skin.
  • Boosting the immune system.
  • Fighting cancer.
  • Improving oral health.
  • Protecting the liver.

12. Buckwheat Pasta

Buckwheat pasta is a great Source of Manganese, Thiamin, high in protein, and in soluble fiber. Buckwheat pasta is very rich in proteins and contains a nutrient called rutin, which is a flavonoid that greatly benefits the human body.

Buckwheat pasta is a great substitute for the regular pasta, boasting the following cellular healing benefits:

  • Insoluble fibers protecting against gallstones and other gall bladder issues.
  • Very efficient in weight loss and improves the digestive system.
  • Reduces the risk of getting breast cancer.
  • Protects the body cells against the damaging free radicals.
  • Prevents plaque buildup that leads to high cholesterol.
  • Helps with stabilization of blood sugar

13. Cilantro

Cilantro is very low in saturated fat and cholesterol. Cilantro is a great herb that contains vitamin K, folate, manganese, potassium, chlorine, and powerful antioxidants beta-carotene, lutein, zeaxanthin, and beta-crypoxanthin.

These properties will help you reap some of the following cellular healing benefits:

  • Lowers blood sugar.
  • Inhibits against unwanted oxidation.
  • Helps with curbing insomnia.
  • Fights body diseases and cancer-causing agents.
  • Improves the cardiovascular system.

14. Coconut Oil

Coconut oil is easily converted into energy for the body. Several research studies show that coconut oil has unique healthy fats called medium-chain fatty acids-Caprylic acid, Lauric acid, and Capric acid. The oil is also rich in vitamin E and antioxidants, and anti-aging properties. You can consume the oil or rub it on the skin to increase hydration and block harmful UV rays.

Some of its cellular healing benefits are:

  • Helps combat bacteria and other infections.
  • It is very good in healing of some disorders of the brain.
  • Reduces any activities relating to seizures.
  • Fights hunger pangs.

15. Dried Mulberries

Mulberries contain alkaloids that activate macrophages. Macrophages are white blood cells that stimulate the immune system, putting it on high active alert against health threats. Dried mulberries provide unusually high levels of vitamin C, fiber, calcium, and antioxidants.

They are delicious as snack, or you can mix them with yogurt and experience the following cellular healing benefits:

  • Enhanced oxygen circulation.
  • Getting rid of toxic substances from the body.
  • Protection against stroke and cancer.
  • Protection of the eyes from UV rays.

16. Dark Chocolate

Dark chocolate’s cocoa polyphenols may be involved in cholesterol control. According to recent research studies, this super food can reduce heart attacks and stroke.

If dark chocolate is consumed moderately, it has a variety of cellular healing benefits, such as:

  • Ensuring better cognitive ability.
  • Lowers chances of getting blood clots.
  • Reduces inflammation in the body.
  • Helps in reduction of high blood pressure.
  • Boosts mood.

17. Extra-Virgin Olive Oil (EVOO)

Virgin olive oil can be used in cooking or for salads. Extra virgin olive oil also contains polyphenols which act as antioxidants, reducing the oxidative stress throughout your body.

It is very healthy and has some of the following cellular healing benefits:

  • Reduces chances of breast, respiratory and digestive cancers.
  • Helps control cholesterol levels.
  • Reduction of heart attack.
  • Maintaining sugar levels in the blood.

18. Garlic

Garlic can help reduce lead toxicity in your body. This popular bulb onion is one of the most widely used spices to stop cancer.

Other cellular healing benefits of garlic are:

  • It is a great cure for the common cold.
  • Helps to reduce acne.
  • Helps with hair growth.
  • Ideal for weight control and weight loss.
  • Great when it comes to healing sores and psoriasis.

19. Fish Oil

Omega-3 found in fish oil works to decrease inflammation in the body. Fish oil is taken as a pill or just as it is.

Cellular healing benefits include:

  • It doesn’t have cholesterol.
  • Improves the cardiovascular functions.
  • Helping to prevent cancer.
  • Aides the digestive system.
  • Great for brain function.

Click here for more on things you can do to improve your health.

There you have it! A few additions to your nutritional protocol that will give you the super food you need!