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June 13th

I began this weight loss journey back in October 2015 not really seeking to lose weight, but to find a doctor that could help me with my PCOS (polysistic ovarian syndrome) symptoms and very achy joints and extreme fatigue. I knew I wanted to lose weight but I had tried pretty much everything and nothing worked because it is extremely hard to lose weight with PCOS.

I researched and found Functional Medical Institute and they sounded like the kind of doctors that I had been searching for. They believe in treating the disease through nutrition and supplements with complete healing and not just managing it with a bunch of prescriptions that never really heal you but can cause side effects.

This is where I first met Dr. Michele. She did blood work and found I had very high cholesterol and A1C as well as low thyroid and Vitamin D. She suggested a few supplements and also suggested I go see her husband, Dr. Mark, to help me with nutrition and weight loss to bring down inflammation.

Kingdom Fuel - Drs. Mark & Michele Sherwood

I admit, I was skeptical at first because like I said I had tried everything but I thought I will give it one more try so I made the appointment to meet with Dr. Mark and I am so glad I did! He gave me my life back!

Dr. Mark started me on their program and in my first month I lost 18 pounds! After two months 31 pounds and now after only four months, I have lost a total of 57 pounds (which equates to losing 20% body fat). I feel like a new person no longer having to take daily naps. The inflammation and pain in my joints are gone, my cholesterol is almost normal (it came down 50 points) and thyroid is now normal. A1C is almost to normal range which is hard to achieve for PCOS…and without any diabetic medication!

I encourage anyone who has ever wanted to lose weight (especially those with PCOS) or even if you don’t need to lose weight but just feel better and have more energy to try this program! I am so happy and more confident now and going in the dressing room to try on clothes is actually fun! But most important of all I am healthy again!

Thank you Drs. Mark and Michele for giving me my life back!

Learn more about the Burn Fat, Build Muscle program →