Join Us For A Night Of Empowerment 

June 13th

I honestly was fine being obese. I was an emotional eater and I didn’t want to give it up.

I didn’t realize then that emotional eating was an eating disorder. I just thought it was the way things were now after 4 children and that I deserved it.

Every night, once the kids were in bed, I needed a feast to feed my emotions. My relationship with God was good and my relationship with my husband and kids were good as well. I just didn’t care if I was fat. As long as I kept myself clean and had a mommy’s day off every 2 weeks, I was not “letting myself go”.

Kingdom Fuel - Drs. Mark & Michele Sherwood

I did feel out of breath most of the time and my doctor told me I needed to lose weight. I chose to ignore both.

I was hiding from the reality of my emotions behind a plate of fried fish, chocolate, and wine. I was a Christian woman who claimed to love God but had fallen into the sin of gluttony every day with gusto and rationalized that God understood.

In just 3 months, I am 43 pounds lighter.

I went from a size 16 XXL to a size 8 M. I went from an obese BMI to, as of this morning, back into normal range! All in only 3 months!

I sleep so much better, have tons more stamina and energy, and am not out of breath all the time. Another huge perk is that, deep down, I’m not constantly worried about all of the health side effects that come with gaining weight.

It has been a very spiritual experience for me.

As a Christian, we are witnesses to the truth that nothing can fill the void of your life other than God. I have replaced emotional eating with Him. I pray a lot more, am closer to my family, and smile more often.

I am reconnecting with the person who I was before I had my children. And not in a selfish “me 1st” way, but in a way that meshes the extreme joy and goofiness of who I was into the new life I have now with my adorable blessings and my husband, my best friend.

I’m going back to the place I was when Stephen and I got married – a place of peace with everything in my life. Because the results are so much deeper than simply 43 pounds, I am determined to never fall into the sin of gluttony again.

I love this person.

I am a woman who has the joy of Christ and is treating the body He gave her with the dignity it deserves as a temple of the Holy Spirit!

Verso l’alto! Towards the Top!