How to Satisfy Emotional Hunger
Many of us also turn to food for stress relief, comfort, or as a reward. If you’re an emotional eater, you may feel powerless over your food cravings. When the urge to eat hits, it’s all you can think about. Afterwards, you feel even worse. Not only does the original...
4 Tricks to Eliminate Negativity
Sometimes in life, it can seem as if the mind takes a negative turn. If the sun is shining you may think that it is raining. If the stars are bright you may think the sky is without light. Make every effort to avoid becoming a victim of stinking thinking! The only...
7-Step Heart Disease Prevention Plan
1. You must educate yourself. Understand what causes heart disease, heart attacks and strokes. You need to know that the answer is your lifestyle. The way you live your life every day is what causes arterial inflammation, stiffening of the artery wall and plaque...
Why Everyone Needs a “Tom”
It is an undeniable fact that people appreciate encouragement. Encouragement can come in many forms - from people, to writings, or even music. For Dr. Michele and I, a particular source of encouragement came to us in an unexpected place and from an unexpected person....
7 Things You Can Do Today to Improve Your Health
People continually ask me about steps to stay healthy and free from chronic sickness and disease. I have come up with a few things that should always be at the top of your checklist. 1. Always look to God first as the Almighty physician. And in the thirty-ninth year...
How to Stop Overtraining Syndrome (OTS)
Overtraining syndrome, known as OTS, is far too common in the world today. Young and inexperienced trainers, with an impassioned zeal to help people, can fall prey to pushing the vulnerable client too far. Additionally, persons can believe erroneously that the old...
What Bad Breath Says About Your Health
My husband always ensures we have breath mints when we are with other people. Not much can ruin a pleasant conversation more than bad breath, particularly when it’s taking place within tight confines such as an office, airplane or car. Oral malodor is often much more...
What does it really mean to be a man?
What does it mean to be a man? I have asked myself that question many times over my life. Without fail, I find there is no single answer but a complexity of ideas. Being a man is more than just having the anatomical structure of one. To get to the answer to "what it...
Why can’t I stop eating unhealthy foods?
Dr. Michele and I are routinely asked the question: "Why can't I stop eating unhealthy foods?" I have searched and searched for one clear-cut answer and have realized there are are many cultural, psychological, social, physical, and emotional factors to keep in mind....
Does divine healing still happen today?
Does healing really happen in our world today? This may seem like an overly ambiguous question. However, this is a question I have been pondering for quite some time. Let me put context to the types of healing found in this post. Healing is described as that which...