Join Us For A Night Of Empowerment 

June 13th

What exactly is the mystical “next level?” It seems to be a place where most want to get at some point in life. In reality, it means constant challenge, commitment, and the willingness to get up after being knocked down. If you are one that truly desires to get to the “next level,” there are five tenets in which to master.

1. Prioritize your life.

It is important to put first things first, second things second, and so on. Having a personal and genuine relationship with God really is the number one priority. If that is improper or nonexistent, proper prioritization will not occur.

Your spouse, if applicable, comes next. If a spouse is not valued properly, I can guarantee you other areas of your life will suffer. Children are next. Children must not be valued at a higher pedestal or priority than the spouse. This probably is the most common misappropriation of energy and effort I see today in regard to improper order.

Kingdom Fuel - Drs. Mark & Michele Sherwood

Parents often spend so much time, energy, and focus on the children (in the name of love of course) that their relationships with each other suffer, many times, irreparable damage. Remember, God is number one, spouse is number two, and children are number three. Everything else, including jobs, money, and friends, fall behind those three.

2. Value and care for your body.

Your temple (your body and all inner and outer parts) is where you live daily. Without proper care, you, or it, will not become all you’re supposed to become. Relating back to tenant number one, your temple is meant to be the vessel in which you exhibit the love of God to your spouse, children, and others. It needs to be kept healthy.

Putting proper things in your mouth, mind, and heart are critical. Furthermore, staying active is equally important. Too much sitting and lack of movement will promote atrophy in body, mind, and soul.

3. Seek out experts who have what you want.

Find those who have attained, or are striving to attain, that “next level.” Find those who actually live it out, as opposed to just talking a good game. What are their secrets and how do they do it? Find them, know them, and emulate their habits, customs, and behaviors.

Finding excellent role models and mentors is necessary for your success. Do what they do because it works for them. Be willing to ask questions, accept the answers, and learn from the masters.

4. Be willing to accept new ideas and break old habits.

You must try new things as opposed to the old things that have not gotten you to your desired destination. These new ideas may be in conflict with old habits. However, old habits must be broken and new ones learned. To do what you have been doing while still expecting different results is not only insanity, but foolishness and an utter waste of time.

Realize that things change over time. Failing to change equates to planning to fail. If you truly want to get to that “next level,” let go of what’s been holding you back and reach for those things that catapult you forward.

5. Be patient and don’t quit.

Change is hard. There are times you will want to quit. Never, and I mean never give up. Refusing to get up is acceptance of defeat. You cannot be about defeat. Winners, and those constantly set new marks of excellence, are experts at refusing to quit. Y

You must be patient. This is super important. Experts say it takes 21 days to form a new habit. However, it takes more than 21 days to get to where you want to be. It is a lifelong pursuit. Just like our book title says, it is indeed a lifetime “Quest for Wellness.”

As I have told many patients, I am 100% confident I can help you. The only way you can fail is to quit showing up. This advice pertains to this tenet. Always show up, get up if you fall, and never quit.

Put these five tenets into your life, mind, and most importantly, your heart. You will be successful, and your “next level” will be redefined to a higher level on a daily basis.

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