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June 13th

Being a healthy guy who is extremely cautious about what I put in my mouth, I am not immune from concern from time to time. Case in point – after a recent routine blood test, I was alarmed to see an elevated LDL and suppressed HDL.

Specifically, my LDL was in the 180’s and my HDL was in the low 20’s.

Needless to say, I was concerned.

Kingdom Fuel - Drs. Mark & Michele Sherwood

Because I am adopted and have little familial history, I wanted to chalk it up immediately to genetics. However, I thought it very wise to conduct an experiment utilizing the following daily protocol:

A Little Background

I did not change my nutritional, exercise, additional supplement protocol or sleep habits.

My nutrition consists of moderate protein, moderate fats, and very little caloric load from carbohydrates (minimal fruit, maximal low glycemic vegetables).

My exercise habits are based on short bursts of high intensity cardiovascular exercise as well as 3-4 days weekly of moderate to heavy weight training.

My sleep averages 7-8 hours nightly.

After 3 Months

My intent was to use this protocol for a minimum of 3 months. After approximately 3 1/2 months, I again had the same panel blood draw.

My results were as follows: LDL 111 HDL 39.

Both my wife, Dr. Michele, and I were extremely surprised and pleased. I guess I am now unable to pawn off the very abnormal protocol to genetics!

This article is not intended to lead one to believe this protocol works for everyone since we all know nutrition, exercise, stress, and other factors play significant roles. However, it does give most probably a glimpse into a successful cholesterol normalizing protocol.