Join Us For A Night Of Empowerment 

June 13th

I had been working out at the gym, and been slowly gaining weight, for about ten years.

I was playing racquetball, and realized I was extremely overweight. My inflammation levels were really spiking.

One day I had trouble walking, from having an injury. I just couldn’t get up, and had a lot of trouble.

Kingdom Fuel - Drs. Mark & Michele Sherwood

They put me on some corticosteroids, and I gained even more weight. That’s when a friend of mine told me about Dr. Mark and Michelle.

I’ve been with them four and a half years, and I’ve lost over 65 pounds, and also gained 15 pounds of muscle.

I changed what we eat. My wife joined me and she’s doing really well, too. When we changed what we’re eating, the weight started falling off.

We’re empty nesters now. When I started, both our kids were in high school. So it was good timing for both of us have this rejuvenation.