Join Us For A Night Of Empowerment 

June 13th

I was wearing size 36 pants that stretch to 38 and they were stretched all the way out. I needed the next size. I decided that enough was enough, I was drawing the line, no more.

I would get up, and go to work but skip breakfast most days. Then I would eat whatever sounded good for lunch, which was usually not anything healthy. Then I would come home and eat dinner after we got the kids to bed, and sometimes it was healthy, but it was definitely not the optimal diet.

I had a lot of issues with gout. I was also having a lot of issues with high cholesterol. Not to mention my issues with inflammation in my joints and the chronic sinus issues.

Kingdom Fuel - Drs. Mark & Michele Sherwood

I started looking in the mirror and going, “you’re just getting to be a fat old slob”. I was just tired of looking at the fat old slobby me. It was depressing…

It had been on my mind for years that what I wanted to do was a holistic approach to medicine. Something from a natural means instead of pharmaceutical means. For years I had looked for doctors but had never been able to find one that would fit into what I needed.

Once I started at FMI, I found out that I had a lot of inflammation in my body (which I knew from a daily basis of joint pain that I dealt with). Virtually every day, I do very physical work for a living. I dealt with joint pain every day of my life since I’d been roughly 20 years old.

The most amazing thing happened though! On the very last day of my detox, I literally woke up for the first time in 20 years with absolutely no joint pain. And it has not returned. That’s been several months now.

I find that my mental acuity has gone up quite drastically and my emotional stability as well. My time to anger has greatly increased. I feel like I have a little more resistance to mental stress than I’ve ever had before.

You know, I always felt like I probably had about another 20 years left in me before I was going to be in pretty bad shape. But now I can see myself being in good physical condition well into my 70s or 80s even.

I think this will change the course of my life and I hope to change the course of my children’s lives for generations.