Join Us For A Night Of Empowerment 

June 13th

Is it crunches? Leg lifts? Sit ups? Is there one best exercise to get a flat stomach? Let me be the first to inform you the answer is an resounding, YES!

With that emphatically stated, let me lay out this perfect exercise for flat abdominal muscles and a chiseled stomach. Keep in mind that this is an all-day routine, so stay with me as I describe this multi-step exercise.

Here are the Mechanics:

  1. Don’t worry about going to the gym. Take the stress away and the pressure off. This is the least of your importance.
  2. Your first meal of the day  Eat 2 to 4 eggs with vegetables and mushrooms sautéed within.
  3. Your daily snack  Eat no more than 1/2 cup of nuts. These can be scattered throughout the day.
  4. Your second meal of the day – Have a green salad (no iceberg lettuce) with a small chicken breast. Use only vinegar and oil for dressing.
  5. Drink plenty of water. Between 60 and 100 ounces should be sufficient.
  6. For your third meal – Have a piece of grilled salmon or chicken breast and 2 cups of non-root, non-starchy vegetables.
  7. Relax and have a good night’s sleep.
  8. Avoid junk food. All fried foods, sugars, artificial sweeteners, MSG, grains, breads, and soda.

Repeat this exercise every day. It works like a champ. It may take some folks longer than others to get a flat stomach, however, rest assured, it will work every time.

Kingdom Fuel - Drs. Mark & Michele Sherwood

So there you have it – a sure fire way to get flat abs at last! Oh, and by the way, it is best to take before and after pictures with measurements. That way, you will remember what got you there. Flat abs are made in the kitchen, not in the gym.

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Also, I should add this – after doing this for 21 days straight, you are now ready for the gym. But until then, avoid spending your money on trainers, save your time going to Zumba classes, and work on this perfect abdominal exercise. You will never need to do another “Abs of Steel” exercise DVD again.

Here’s to flat abs and living the “Wellness Life” with us.