Take Your Next Step

to Optimal Health

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Men: What do you think it takes to consider yourself a “real” man? Money in the bank? A fast car? A woman you can be proud of? Your every need and desire being met?

Or does it go deeper? Work you are content or fulfilled in, or a satisfying marriage? Or are you simply too busy to even think about these questions?

Kingdom Fuel - Drs. Mark & Michele Sherwood

When God created Adam, he must have given him at least the potential to be everything that “manhood” entailed. Appropriate love, a way to provide for his family, a sacrificing nature, right leadership and the ability to honor and follow through with his spoken word.

Or, if you want a way to sum up these points, Gandhi said, “happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony.”

In this episode you will discover:

  • Real manhood is defined in true love
  • Real men provide
  • Real men sacrifice
  • Real men lead: Emotionally, Spiritually and Physically
  • Real men know that words MATTER!

No one is saying this is easy. It’s something to strive for.

A Test of Manhood

Here’s a test (for the ladies also) to be done honestly; to see where you are in this ongoing process:

  • Do I EXEMPLIFY love, when the world doesn’t?
  • Have I lived out a provider mentality?
  • Do I sacrifice willingly – or grudgingly?
  • Is my leadership predictable and unwavering?
  • Does my word MEAN something, and do I honor it?

Dr. Mark Sherwood admits that this is an ongoing pursuit, but the world needs men to be men! These principles are foundational and require zero compromise.

About Dr. Mark Sherwood

Dr. Mark Sherwood is a Naturopathic Doctor and a former Oklahoma state and regional bodybuilding champion, as well as ex-professional baseball player. He was a policeman for the city of Tulsa and served on the department’s SWAT Team for an entire decade! Dr. Mark’s passion for wellness motivated him to develop several wellness based courses, which he teaches to law enforcement professionals, corporations, and churches throughout the U.S. and worldwide. Mark is also a motivational speaker whose presentations are sought by audiences nationwide. His passion and experience for total wellness make him a versatile role model for people of all ages. Follow him on sherwood.tv

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