Join Us For A Night Of Empowerment 

June 13th

Plaque might not be where you think it is. Also known as Atherosclerosis, it is normally found in your arterial walls, not sailing along in your blood.

Dr. Amy Doneen is a Doctor of Nursing Practice, internationally known in the PREVENTION of heart attack, stroke and diabetes.

She can tell you, possibly not what you want to know, but what you need to know. People deserve to live in a manner that is both happy and healthy.

Kingdom Fuel - Drs. Mark & Michele Sherwood

Insurance Companies and Science

In medicine, there is about a 20-year “lag” time between what is good, published science and the application of standard of care.

By the way, “standard of care” is a legal term. By default, the insurance companies have become the scientific filter of what has merit and what doesn’t.

This is true both in the medical community and the general public. The reality is that science should guide that process.

In this episode, you will discover:

  • You DO have a snowball’s chance…
  • Why Camille waited
  • What lifestyle’s got to do with it
  • COMMON doesn’t mean NORMAL
  • Inflammation – that little troublemaker!

Vascular Disease

Vascular (arterial) disease is an inflammatory condition. Both the development and the “misbehaving” of plaque will cause a rupture to the artery.

Our body responds by forming a clot, and then depending on where that clot lands, we’re going to give it a name. Heart attack, stroke, vision changes, dementia, etc.

Some arteries are no bigger than a human hair. If we continually have this process of inflammation, then we will block these little vessels that we don’t feel.

Until our children say, “Mom, you’re not remembering things”, or we have micro-vessel changes that claim our eyesight. It should never be considered normal; it’s preventable.

Meet Amy Doneen

Amy L. Doneen, ARNP, DNP is an international leader in the prevention of heart attacks, strokes and diabetes. She is the cofounder and a principal instructor in the BaleDoneen Method, practiced by more than 1,000 healthcare providers around the world.

This genetically guided, precision-medicine approach to the prevention, detection and treatment of cardiovascular disease (CVD) has been shown in two recent peer-reviewed studies to halt, stabilize and even reverse CVD, helping people avoid heart attacks and strokes, even if they have already suffered one or more of these events.

For more information, go to and if you want to learn more about Amy’s methods, take her spring class at

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