Join Us For A Night Of Empowerment 

June 13th

We both knew we needed to do something different.

We were both overweight and did not have a lot of energy. My pant size kept getting bigger and we knew something needed to change. We tried several different things but didn’t find anything that worked until visiting Drs. Mark and Michele.

Although Janet has done much better than myself, we are both ecstatic about the results.

Kingdom Fuel - Drs. Mark & Michele Sherwood

Six months ago, Dr. Mark predicted where we would be, and we both chuckled as we left the office – we really didn’t believe it was possible. But here we are, completely blown away at the results we have experienced so far. This is a really exciting time in our life!

Since being on a program that works, not only has our weight changed, but our attitude has improved. Depression has subsided and we now enjoy life and each other.

On top of it all, Dr. Mark has taken the time to help us develop spiritually as well, praying with us through a difficult situation.

Our results are three-fold: physical, mental and spiritual well-being.