Join Us For A Night Of Empowerment 

June 13th

When prescribing lifestyle alteration plans, I am often met with statements such as, “I am gonna have a hard giving up some of the things that I am used to eating. I know they are bad for me, but I really enjoy them.”

How many of you have uttered these words? Trust me, they are very, very common.

With that said, let me identify what I call the BIG THREE. The big three are: sugar, bread, and dairy. As you probably noticed, the big three are very common in the standard American diet (SAD). It really boils down to eating too much of each.

Kingdom Fuel - Drs. Mark & Michele Sherwood

We need a strategy targeting a reduced consumption of each without going straight to the ‘cold turkey’ approach. So here is a sound, reasonable, and novel plan for you to employ over a 14 day period (this will simply require a little bit of label reading):

The 14-Day Meal Plan
Day 1 Eliminate sugar (still eat bread and dairy)
Day 2 Eliminate bread (still eat sugar and dairy)
Day 3 Eliminate dairy (still eat sugar and bread)
Day 4 Eliminate the BIG THREE totally
Day 5 Eliminate sugar (still eat bread and dairy)
Day 6 Eliminate bread (still eat sugar and dairy)
Day 7 Eliminate dairy (still eat sugar and bread)
Day 8 Eliminate the BIG THREE totally
Day 9 Eliminate sugar and bread (still eat dairy)
Day 10 Eliminate bread and dairy (still eat sugar)
Day 11 Eliminate sugar and diary (still eat bread)
Day 12 Eliminate the BIG THREE totally
Day 13 Mardi Gras day (eat whatever you like)
Day 14 Eliminate the BIG THREE totally

As you can see by the aforementioned plan, during the 14 days you will have experienced 4 days of total elimination of the BIG THREE. Even though this plan is simple, it is very effective for two main reasons:

  1. It requires more awareness of what we are putting in our mouths. This awareness is the first real step in making permanent lifestyle change.
  2. We have given our body a 4 day break from three of the main food groups that plague our current lifestyle challenge. Your body will love it, and you will feel the difference. When you experience the better feeling, you will want to repeat the cause.

Try this plan today and begin to get free from food addiction. The Wellness Life is attainable for everyone, – all you have to do is start. How about starting today?