Join Us For A Night Of Empowerment 

June 13th

In the world of fitness, I see this “lack of planning” as the norm rather than the exception.  The reason for this is actually very simple…we don’t understand the extreme importance of the plan.

Just like house plans, there are many fitness/exercise plans.  When choosing a plan, there are some basic foundational principles in which the plan must adhere.

  1. It is balanced, training all parts of the body equally.
  2. It incorporates weight training utilizing progressive resistance exercise techniques.
  3. It incorporates cardiovascular (aerobic) training at least 4-6 times a week for at least 20 minutes a session.
  4. It includes short and long term goals. The plan is designed for lifelong “marathon mentality” participation rather than the “quick fix mentality.”
  5. It is success driven and designed where successes are obtained with relative ease rather than focusing on failure (e.g. training to failure).

If the plan does not adhere to these basic principles, my advice is to scrap it and keep looking.

Kingdom Fuel - Drs. Mark & Michele Sherwood

You must have a plan designed for success in building your fitness level. Choose wisely, follow the plan, train with purpose, and enjoy lifetime fitness and success.

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